Chapter 24

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Rue was looking at me, probably waiting for me to speak first and explain the situation. But I really didn't know what to say or do. She had just seen me with Harry in what it seemed like a very compromising situation. I mean, he cornered me and was really closed to me but... God, I don't even know anymore. This guy was always causing troubles in my life.

"Why was that guy here alone with you?" Rue asked angry, breaking the silence. I was a bit taken aback by the hateful tone in her voice when he said 'that guy'.

"Harry walked me to my room." I said.

"I didn't know that 'walk someone to their room' changed to this. I didn't get the memo." Ouch. Why was she being that mean? "It didn't seem only that when I came in, so don't lie to me Raiza." She said.

"I was at the infirmary and the nurse told me to go to my room. Harry made sure I did that." I informed her. "I thought of going to class when I left there."

"What? The infirmary!?" Rue asked worried. "Did he hurt you? Oh my God, Raiza did that-"

"No, no." I hurried to say. "He didn't hurt me. I fainted and he found me lying on the bathroom floor. He took me to the infirmary to make sure everything was fine."

"Wait, how is it that you fainted? Holy shit, are you alright?" My roommate ran her hands down my face frantically looking for any injure. Her features soften when I told her the reason for Harry being here. But there was still something bothering her, I could tell by looking into her eyes.

"I'm fine." I said, calming her down. "I was taking a shower and I heard some noises. I thought it was you but it wasn't. And then..."

Rue looked at me trying to figure out what was going on in my head. "You saw a dark figure, didn't you?"

I nodded. "I saw it through the glass. Then the room started to feel oppressive and I couldn't breathe properly. It felt as-"

"It was taking your soul, sucking the life out of you." The sinister tone in her voice made me have goosebumps. I nodded again. Did Rue know what happen to me?

"This wasn't the first time it happened." I confessed. I knew Rue wouldn't think I was crazy which it was a relief. At least I had someone to talk about these weird experiences. "The first time I spent the night here I woke up at 3:30 am and I felt exactly the same. The oppressive feeling."

"Just the oppressive feeling?"

"Yes. I got out of the room before something else happened." Goosebumps covered my skin as I remembered what happened that night. The fear I felt, I had never felt it before. "Do you think the dorm could be haunted?" I asked, intrigued.

"Raiza, listen to me." She said, holding my arms. "He's dangerous. Don't get near him. He's diabolic and the only thing he wants is to hurt you. Remember that I warned you about someone who wanted to hurt you?" I nodded slowly. I did. It was when we first met. She told me something like something or someone was lurking me. "Now I know it's him. It's Harry."

"What Harry has to do with this?" 

"Just trust me." My roommate said. There was concern and fear in her blue eyes. "Harry won't hesitate to hurt you when he has the chance. He won't think it twice, Raiza." She warned me. "You have to be careful because you're giving him the right opportunities to do it."

"Rue, I get that you're worry about me because Harry's the player type but I don't like him, ok?" I said. "Even though I don't have feeling towards him besides dislike, I don't think it's nice that you told about him like that. I mean, why do you talk about him like he was the worst person?" I asked not believing her reaction. "I know he's trying to make things right." I didn't know why I was defending him but hearing Rue talking about Harry like that didn't seem right.

Ok, I knew Harry was an asshole and not someone who gets along with people, but saying he was some sort of demonic creature was over the top. Rue was clearly overreacting.

"If you knew who he really is you wouldn't say that." She fired out.

"What are you talking about?" I was confused. Did Harry and Rue have something going on? They already knew each other? "Rue... Did you and Harry-"

"Holy shit, don't you dare to say that!" She yelled, cutting me off. "I would never have something with that disgusting creature."

"Ok, I'm sorry!" I apologized. "That's the only reasonable explanation I came up with to understand your reaction towards him."

"God Raiza! If you don't believe me about Harry, go ask Cam." Rue said with a indecipherable tone. "He'll tell you what Harry's capable to do."

Cam and Harry?

Cam hates Harry. He never gets near him. What could've happened between them?

Well, there was only one way to find out.


So guys! I think it has come the time to settle the ship names. So Raiza's and Harry's could be 'Haiza', Raiza's and Cam's could be 'Ram', Raiam' or 'Caiza' and I don't know if someone ships her with Zayn too, in that case it could be 'Zaiza' or 'Raiyn'. What do you think? Comment which one do you prefer or if you come up with another one :) And please don't forget to vote on the link that's on my status/profile/bio. The voting is really tight! x

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