Chapter 30

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My body was petrified but I knew if I stayed a minute longer, I wasn't going to make it.

I needed to get the hell out of there, and it needed to be now.

I started running as fast as I could towards the path we had taken with Zayn. Oh shit, Zayn. Where was he!? I needed to go back for him. I turned my head to look behind me and I saw the dark figure moving incredibly fast towards me. I let out a scream when it touched me. I manage to cut loose and kept running.

"Help!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, hoping someone would hear me. "Please somebody help!"

The dark figure was getting closer and closer, shortening the distance more and more. I was terrified. That thing emanated pure evil. And I could feel it wanted to hurt me. I speeded up trying to lose it. I needed to get to the bonfire. Once I get there I would be safe. But I barely could see where I was going, how long is it till I get there? Was I on the right direction?

My breathing started to become ragged. I needed to catch my breath, but how could I when a dark figure is hunting me? I looked back and didn't see it. Maybe I could hide somewhere and try to call for help.

I decided to hide under a tree that was hollow in the bottom. I pulled out my phone from my jacket's pocket to try and call Rue or Cam to ask for help. I dialled Cam's number first but it didn't work. I looked at my phone. Of course, I didn't have signal.

I would've thought that watching so many paranormal series and horror movies would prepare me for something like this, but no. The tears started streaming down my face, without me being able to stop them. I wrapped my arms around my knees and buried my face. The intensity of my sobs began to increase. I didn't want to die.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are." A deep distorted voice sang. I could feel it getting closer.

Please someone help me. Anybody.

"Gotcha." Someone, or something, whispered. The hot breath that came from its mouth felt like fire burning against my skin. 

I opened my eyes and the dark figure was inches away from me. The thing grabbed me and threw me outside of my hiding. I landed on the ground a few meters away from the tree and hit my back on a rock. I let out a moan in pain. 

I knew begging for my life would be useless and I couldn't run anymore. But I couldn't just stay there waiting for this thing to kill me either, so I started crawling and screaming for help. It might be useless but I needed to do something to prevent my last glimpse of hope to be destroyed.

All of sudden I felt a grip on my leg and I was pushed against a tree. The dark figure had me by the neck and its grip was tight. Whatever this thing was it wasn't showing its true nature. It was just hiding behind this disguise. "I-I know yo-you're going to k-kill me. So w-why don't you s-show y-yourself?" I could barely talk because of my lack of air. The entity cocked its head. "I wa-nt to s-see the real ap-pearance of my m-murderer. Come o-on, do it." An evil smirked appeared on its face. "Or a-are y-you af-raid?"

The dark entity got closer to my face and opened its mouth and it began to absorb. I felt like my life was being suck out of you. The same feeling I felt when I was taking a shower and I passed out. This thing was taking my soul and there was nothing I could do. My eyes began to feel heavy and I couldn't keep them open. And almost didn't have air.

My body fell to the ground. I was barely conscious but I heard someone saying something and fighting. Then a pair of hands held my head and tried to open my eyes. "Raiza, do you hear me!?" Someone asked. Rue? "Oh my God, please Raiza wake up."

"What do we do!?" Another voice said. Cam? Rue and Cam were here?

"Where's Zayn!?" I heard Rue asking.

"Bloody hell. Forget about Zayn we fucking have to get Raiza out of here." A third voice said. I couldn't recognize it but for some reason it felt familiar as well.

I felt someone's arms being wrapped around my body and lifted me up. Someone was carrying me but I didn't know who. Was it Cam? I wanted to open my eyes but I just couldn't. 

"Where are you taking her!?" Rue yelled to whoever had me in its arms.

"Somewhere safe." 

"If you try anything I'll-" Cam warned.

"I would love to fight with you but this is not the time, pal." 

"I'll be watching you, you heard me?" Rue said defiant.

"Just hang on." The unknown yet familiar voice whispered, ignoring my friend's threats. "This shit would be extremely dull without you, Raiza."

Then I knew it.

Harry was here too.

And he was the one carrying me.


I was left on something that felt really comfy and nice. I figured out that my friends and Harry had brought me back to the dorms, and that the comfy and nice thing I was on was my bed.

"You can go now." Rue said with a sharply tone to, who I supposed was, Harry.

"Please don't be such a sweetheart with me." Harry said laughing. "It's not that I helped you save your friend."

"Just go, ok?" Cam talked this time.

"Humans are always so ungrateful." He said. "You never change."

I heard the door closing and I knew Harry had left. Then I felt Rue sitting next to my bed and grabbing my hand. "Raiza?" She whispered. I still didn't have the strength to open my eyes. Whatever had happened in the woods had drained me completely. I was barely still conscious but in any minute I knew I was going to pass out.

"She's going to be fine, right?" Cam's voice sounded worried. "Why don't we take her to the infirmary instead? I'm sure there they'll help her."

"No, Cam." Rue said. "There's nothing they can do for Raiza there. This is out of their reach."

"Then what do we do?" He said. "I can't just wait here doing nothing while she's like that!"

I felt Rue letting go of my hand and walking away. "Take care of her while I'm gone, ok Cam?"

"Where are you going?" 

"To talk with someone who knows exactly what happened." She informed him.

The sound of the door closing and Cam saying that I'd be fine were the last things I heard before I fell in the deepest dream.



Raiza's going to be protrayed by...


PHOEBE TONKIN (30 votes)

Runner ups:

Zoey Deutch (12 votes)
Crystal Reed (11 votes)
Zoe Aggeliki (2 votes)

Thank you all for voting! x

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