Chapter 63

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I was started from my deep sleep by Rue's screaming, almost making me fall out of bed but Harry caught me in time before I hit the floor.

"Fuck, don't you know how to knock a damn door?" Harry yelled back.

"God, Rue. Please don't yell." I moaned. "It's too early."

"Someone explain me what the fuck is going on!?" She yelled again. "What the fuck is he doing here!?" I sat up on the bed and looked at my roommate confused. Saying she was angry wasn't enough. "Oh my God. You had sex with him!"

"Wait. What?"

"No, no, no! He must have put some sort of spell on you." What was she talking about? "What did you do to her diabolic creature!?"

"Woah, woah, woah. Rue calm down." I said, getting out of bed. "Harry and I didn't have sex, ok? We just slept in the same bed." We were fully dressed, like come on.

"Raiza, you don't have to explain to her anything you do." Harry said, annoyed. "She's not your mum."

"Get out of here!" Rue yelled at Harry.

I was taken aback by her reaction. I knew she didn't like him but he had been nice to me. "Rue, don't yell at him." I defended Harry, something I never thought I would do. "Harry stayed with me because something tried to hurt me last night and I was scared."

"Yeah, that something is he."

"I'm done with this shit." Harry said, getting out of my bed. "I have better things to do than to hear this lunatic."

"Harry, wait."

"I'll see you around, Raiza." He glared at Rue. I could feel the tension between them. What was going on?

The door slammed and I looked at Rue. She was with her arms crossed on her chest and tapping her foot. "Stay away from him, Raiza." She said. "I warned you that he's not good. Cam did as well. You're in danger when you're alone with him."

"Rue." I sighed. "I really appreciate that care about me but I think you're overacting."

"I'm not!" My roommate said. "I know why I'm telling you this. Cam and I are your friends. Harry is just using you." The tone in her voice was becoming more desperate. "You need to stay with us."

"Are you making me choose between you guys and Harry?" I said in shocked.

"No, I'm just telling you the truth." She said. "You know his kind don't want anything, just death and destruction for its own sake."

"It sounded like you were." I was hurt. I wouldn't believe Rue would make me choose. I needed to go before things got worst. "I think it's better to leave this conversation here. I'm going to take a shower and go for a walk."

"Raiza." She said, beseeching.

I just turned around and walked to the bathroom and closed the door. I didn't need this drama right now.

I turned on the shower and once the water was ready, put my body under it. I stayed for at least 20 minutes there with my mind running wild with all the things that had happened till now and just letting the warm water ran down my body.

When I got out of the bathroom Rue was still there but I didn't give her time to say anything. I grabbed my purse and got out of there.

I didn't have any place or destination in mind, just wanted to get out of there. Maybe I should go see Cam. These past weeks he had tried to cheer me up, even though he had no clue about what was going on, and all I had done was shutting him down and Rue too. He always managed to make me feel good so I owe him an apology. It's settled then, I'm going to see Cam!

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