19|Royal Family|

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The double door was a Wow. But the interior of the room was the actual thing. It was big. No, not big it was huge. The furniture was what I fell in love with though.

The most luxurious couches were arranged in the middle of the room. They were all pastel pink, with pastel green and blue cushions on them with silver ascents adorning them.

The huge windows on side wall gave the view of the gardens outside. With light cream coloured curtains draped on them , gathered on the either side of all three windows the looked majestic.

The theme of the room seemed to be light and subtle colours though. Just the way I like it. I have a thing for light and simple. Because simple is more.

The highlight was the Royal family that sat on the couches in the middle. The centre table had the refreshments on them. But the family might not have touched it because by the looks of it they were deeply engrossed in the conversation and having a good family time.

The queen was watching her grandson and grand daughter in law, play with their son, Prince Nathanial. She had the look of adoration on. Princess Sarah was deep in conversation with her other son, George.

When I see the aforementioned prince, I flit my eyes towards Maddy. A small smile creeps to my face, remembering that day with Ellen. God that was embarrassing, she should have actually taken the fact that we were on air, being watched by the while country, under consideration.

'Ellen, which one do you think three are already married. Little Nathanial has a long time before he is considered by any girl. Its Prince George, the one I want to meet, the only one.'

The only one!

The prince must have seen that too if he wasn't too busy with his princely duties.

Then this might actually grow awkward. Too awkward.

Veronica walked further into the room. The click -clack of her heels attracted the attention of the Family. They turned their heads in our direction. The princesses smiled widely at our sight. Well that's warm.

The queen stood followed by the rest of the family. They all wore the same welcoming looks. I have a feeling that all the bouts of nervousness were for nothing, these are actually welcoming people.

Never judge a book by its cover.

Whatever, brain. I am not the one to judge any way. It's just called having a positive perception, optimism.

The joy of internal wars.

We all fell into a curtsey. I would not say they were all the most perfect ones. The twins for example struggled to maintain balance. The porcelain dolls were dipped at a wrong angle. It was awkward. Sophie's and Veronica's curtsey was perfect though. I followed closed behind, but I wouldn't say that I was expert in curtseying.

Mademoiselle Estella, expert in art of bowing to sovereigns of her country.

It even sounds absurd.

"Welcome girls. Rise please." Queen's voice called. It was polite yet authoritative.

We rose. With Veronica's light hand gesture, the twins started introducing themselves. So in that order I was going to be the last. Wonderful, more time for the butterflies to build in.

"My name is Rylan. This is my twin sister Riana." Rylie started and "Thank you for inviting us here,your highnesses." Ria finished.

"It's nice having you here." Prince Philips, queen's husband said. While the queen and her son Nile smiled at the couple of the girls.

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