44|Hallway encounters|

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I turned off my lamp and decided to walk in  the corridor outside my connected chambers.

I swung my feet of the comfortable bed. I padded across my room on the cold floor, not bothering to slip on any slippers or a robe. I slipped out of the room, making sure to keep the silence so Esther doesn't awaken again.

The window down the hallway was open, it was indeed strange that it was left open at this strange hour at night, but the cool breeze flowing in through that window was not minded at all.

I walked to that particular window, through the very dimly lit corridor. As I neared the window a strange feeling built up inside of me, as though someone was following me, I had an eerie urge to turn around and see.

But I decided to choose against it. I came to stand in front if the window, the wind blew my hair away from my face, I welcomed the feeling. Soon I felt a shiver run down my body, I wrapped my arms around me. That's when I felt the same paranoia again, this time I turned around, and looked both sides, the hallway was empty.

When satisfied, I looked out to the garden. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath letting the freshness of the night engulf me.

I heard a thud, and I broke out of my trance.

" Who's there?" I asked looking at absolutely nothing. Darkness.

"My lady. What are you doing here?" A middle aged lady asked.

"You scared every living cell in me!" My hand flew to my chest.

"I am so sorry." She said," I didn't mean to. My lady, you should be in bed. Is there anything you needed?"

"No.uh.. It's OK." I smiled at her, "and I don't need anything, thank you for asking...um.. I didn't get your name?"

She chuckled slightly, " I never told miss. My name is Marie."

"Right Marie. Thanks again."

"Miss, I would suggest you to go to sleep. It's not right to be out in the hallway at this late hour. You should rest, it has been a long day for you."

I looked at her,considering what she said. "I guess I should be. May I ask, why are you up and about at this late hour?"

"I was on my round. Checking if someone needed something."

I thought everyone had bells.

I nodded at her quick reply and then rubbed my hands on my bare arms trying to produce some heat.

"Oh goodness! My lady I didn't observe that before, but you are going to catch a cold! Standing right in front of an open window!  And it is oddly cooler for September night tonight." She said quickly moving me away from the window.

"What were you thinking? I will complain to the head maid, whoever was on the duty is supposed to be held  accountable. Whoever it was should not have left the window open." She shook her head, pulling me close to her and leading me back to my chambers. "Irresponsible chaps."

And for once she silenced. She talked a lot and very rapidly at that. I didn't know what to say.

Halfway back to my chambers we heard a door open and close. George came walking towards us tying his robe in front of him.

"Ladies is there something wrong?" He called from behind.

"No sire. I was just leading -"

"Goodness gracious. What are you doing here, E? Out of bed? Was she sleep walking Marie?"

"No sire. She was standing by the window when I saw her. She was cold so I was leadin-"

"E, are you serious? Standing by the window? An open window and not wearing something to cover up?" He said after he glanced at the window a few feet away from where we stood. "What, are you trying to get pneumonia or something?"

"Sire! God forbid." Marie seemed genuinely apalled. But George on the other hand was boiling up.

"Now can I speak? It's not like I was dying of cold and,"

"You were planning to." G cut me off.

"It's not negative 100 outside. Ok? Calm down. Or maybe you should pass a degree of temperature to me since heating up for no reason at all!"

"Marie, you can go now. And so whatever you were at this hour."

"Yes sire." And with a dip of her head in both are directions she scurried away.

When she was out of view.

"A degree or two,huh? Nice one. Let me escort you to your room."

I let him. He enveloped his big arms around me and led the way.

"Are my boiling temperatures transferring to you sister dear?" He asked in the most perfect accent, as if his posh accent wasn't perfect already.

I chuckled. "Very much so, brother dear."

We both laughed and soon we were both at the door to my rooms.

"Thank you, frère(*). Good night."

He placed a small kiss on top of my head and bid me farewell with the words, "pleasure is mine, mon sœur(*). Bonne Nuit."

"Bonne Nuit(**)."

With one last hug he departed.

*frère: brother
*mon sœur : my sister
**good night.


I am so bloody sorry! I am super late! I know. But I don't know how to make it up. So you see I have biology test tomorrow and then a physics test on Monday, and I have successfully gotten through three tests this week.

Pray that I succeed in these two!

I will leave shoutouts!  But Wattpad lately has been running crazy. 100+ notifications. One has to dig for the person for a shoutout!

Ok! The big question!  How was this chapter?? 🤔

And of course George? And Marie?

Tell me, here.

Now. I am out of book suggestions I guess.
I may not have mentioned this one before so I am going to reccomend y'all this one, "THE GIRL IN BLACK." by HeartlessThoughts

Bye. Allah Hafiz. Take care y'all and DON'T FORGET TO


Evelyn_S ^2khan ♡

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