→ chapter 4;;

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1.  a thing that prevents someone from giving full attention to something else


I quickly stuffed my phone into my back pocket and picked up my heavy bookbag, shutting my metal locker and walking through the scarce crowd of kids who were still getting their books together.

Most of the kids were outside waiting for buses.

I would just walk, it was merely a mile but I didn't mind the commute time to listen to music and have time to myself.

Walking down the sidewalk towards the road, I heard a car slow down next to me.

"Hey, Bahamas was it?" Great, Nick.

"You keep making up new names for me, Dick Tick." I called back, not bothering to give him my full attention.

"Ouch, I felt that one." He said, keeping his hands on the wheel as he drove beside me.

"So what, you gonna ask how much I charge or something?" I chuckled at my own joke.

 I was pathetic, I know. I am sorry.

Walking towards the street corner, I stopped and stared at him.

"No, I was gonna ask if you wanted to go grab a milkshake with me." He smiled innocently and I squinted my gaze.

"Is Milkshake like guy code for ejaculate and evacuate?" I asked with a straight face and he burst out laughing.

"Actually, no, it's code for Kum & Go." He spelled it out and I lost it.

"Fine, only because that was one of the best." I responded goofily and got into the passengers seat.

"Finally, I have a chance to kidnap you." He sighed, locking the doors from the inside and I scoffed.

"Please do, my mom's only knowledge of cooking is mac and cheese and grilled cheese." I sat back and looked into my phone.

"Okay, milkshakes and frisco melts sound good?" He asked, referring to my opinions on Steak & Shake.

"Very." I practically moaned, already imagining the delicious and greasy taste of that sandwich.

"Also, I got suspended for a day almost for copying, so are ya happy?" He asked as he turned onto the main road into traffic.

"Nick..." I said seriously, sitting up and looking into his eyes.

"I'm not a horrible person, why would you assume I am happy? You're the-"

"Woah, woah....Hawaii Shore I was kidding." He chuckled and I rolled my eyes with a smile.

"If you make up a stupid and exotic name for me again, I will cut off the dick you wish you had." I warned and he laughed.

Ugh, I loved his laugh.

He pulled in and I got out, walking in.

We ordered and sat down, and he saw my phone buzz.

"Who's that?" He asked, referring to my mom who was spamming me.

"My mom cussing me out." I chuckled, admiring how she had managed to spam me 3 cuss words and telling me to "use protection". How thoughtful.

"Where's your dad?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Around, but barely." I said emotionless, the waiter placing our food and milkshakes on the table.

"Oh, I am sorry." Nick apologized, referring to my dad.

"Don't be, he's a douche anyway." I tried to brush off the hurt I had bottled up in my system for so long, right off my shoulders and onto the ground where it would be stomped on and destroyed.

"Do you have any siblings?" He asked and I shook my head.

"I was a mistake....so they didn't want to make another." I tried to make a genuine joke but he didn't laugh.

He only had a cute smile on his lips, and I looked confused.

"Wow, it must suck for them to see their mistake to turn into such a success." He said while biting into his sandwich.

I was trying to focus on what to reply, but watching him eat was amazing.

He was such a distraction.


if nick is reading this and hasn't followed my instagram and twitter i'm going to legit c r y

i'm kidding i'm an independent bitch :)

also can someone raise their hand if they are also struggling with career decisions?
i'm merely a senior and i have to choose what i want to do AND apply....

also i have to re-take the ACT because i am trying to get a higher score and it s u c k s

someone just....end me.

please :)

on top of that, i have to preform live at a show in march, and i am hella nervous !! 

- charis 

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