→ chapter 21;;

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1. causing anxiety about actual or potential problems; alarming: 


At this point, I was beyond worrying. I had texted, called, and even debating driving over to Nick's house. I was so close to beating that boy for ignoring me. I wasn't needy, I just wanted to know if he was okay.

I slowly opened my car door and tossed my bag into my passenger seat and got in. My mom jogged out in her pajamas and I rolled down my window after starting my moms car. 

"Hey, forgot your lunch." She handed me some leftovers from Quiznos from a night ago.

"Thanks Momma." I kissed her cheek and she smiled. 

"Alright, well see you tonight." She waved as I backed out.

"Love you!" I called as I pulled out into the road and drove down the road. I was biting my lip just thinking about it.

Should I be mad at Nick? Nice? I had no idea how to react, I felt like being really mad at him but that was just my jackass forming out of its shell. I stopped at a stop light and drummed on my wheel softly with my long nails.

What if he wasn't at school? Was he hurt? Did he not make it home? I picked up my phone from the coin cash in my car and I took advantage of the red light, flipping through my contacts and calling Nick's home.

Hopefully, his parents would pick up, I had no idea if I even had met them before.

"Hello?" A husky older voice echoed into the phone. 

"Hello? This is Malibu, a friends of Nicks." I said into the phone.

"Friend? I wouldn't put it that way." A small chuckle escaped into the phone, and my heart dropped.

"Did he come home last night?" I said sweetly.

"Yep, he just left for school." The voice hummed into the phone.

"Alright, thanks!" I hung up and tossed my phone onto my bag.

What an asshole, he didn't even call me? 

Ramming on my gas, I shot out into the side lane and continued to school.

I pulled into the parking lot and took the front spot.

I just wanted to make sure he was okay.






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