→ chapter 30;;

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to inflict an injury involving rupture of small blood vessels and discoloration without a break in the overlying skin or a similar injury to plant tissue

Lukas wasn't particularly happy. Let me rephrase, he was scathing. His jaw was flexing and his eyes wouldn't dare to turn from Nick's.

Nick obviously wanted no trouble. "Sorry, just her friend." He said slowly and Lukas nodded. His breath had an alcoholic smell to it.

"Well sorry, friend, but I need to talk to Malibu." He turned to me and began to led me towards the back. The back of the building was the notorious makeout spot.

I turned back and tugged on Lukas's arm. "I'm not going back there." I made it clear that I had no interest in making out with some kid I barely knew.

"Then why are we here?" He blinked twice and I scoffed. "I don't know, maybe to dance?" I took my hand from his arm and turned away and began to walk.

Lukas snatched my arm aggressively while trying to pull me back there. The tall boy shot me a sharp glance, and his fist tightened around my wrist.

The pain began to swell, but Lukas was knocked out of my sight before I could react. Nick had shoved him against the wall.

Nick's hands were cuffed around Lukas's collar, his jaw clenching with anger. "Don't you fucking touch her, man."

Lukas gasped for breath, his legs dangling ferociously while Nick grunted and put him up higher.

My left arm dragged onto Nick's side and I pushed the two apart, barely having the muscular ability to do so.

Nick let go of Lukas and I heard him drop to the ground. His eyes targeted him and he began to walk closer but I stood in front of Nick.

"Hey, Nick." My hands went up against his cheeks. His breathing heaved out of his chest as he tried to get past me. "Nick, please." I stood in front of him and put my hands on his stomach.

He looked down at me with a sorrowful glance and I shook my head. "Please." Lukas behind me was getting up and he wiped blood from his nose.

Nick's hand dragged over mine and I smiled. "What is this? Are you kidding me?" The whole scene changed, one of the adults seeing what had happened.

The man gave us three a harsh look and signaled us to follow him. Lukas was already walking away.

I could see Nick's cheek was bruised with a smudge of red and purple, just forming.

"Totally inappropriate behavior." He shouted at Nick, and I stood up.

"Lukas was hurting me!"

"Then we will deal with him accordingly, but what you did was unacceptable." He pointed at Nick and Nick's eyes flashed with anger.

He licked his lips and his hands clenched into a ball. I could see he was about to do something.

My hands laced into his and I looked up to him. He peacefully grimaced in his own mistakes and nodded.

"I apologize." He said after a moment of silence. "Good, now leave." He commanded, making his way back to the party.

Nick looked at me while I walked a little ways away. "I'll drive you home." He called and I threw my arms up.

"Does the universe HATE ME???" I called and he walked up and chuckled.

"What, you think this is hilarious, right? You think it's so funny that I had to stress to find a guy to make you jealous and he ended up being a dickhead, no joke, he acted like he was some sadistic murderer, but no, that's pure humor, am I right??" I shouted at him and bit my cheek.

"No, I am laughing because I think it's cute. We both faked and got dates we don't give a hell about, just to impress each other." He poked me and I turned to him.

"W-wait you got a date just to make me jealous?" I asked and he nodded. "Am I a loser?"

"Yes, but so am I."

"I like losers."
i lIKe lOsERs
we're all losers in our own ways
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