→ chapter 38;;

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deceitfulness; untrustworthiness.


Nick looked like he was having fun, a little taken back by the girls actions. Her lips touched his, and she grasped his neck desperately. My jaw jutted out in anger. "Mad, Maliboohoo?" The girl snarked. What was her deal?

What the hell?

Senior year had started with a kick, Nick was mostly busy with volleyball and I was here with my beta club and 3.94 GPA. 

My college applications were being written in my sleep, that's all I thought about. Nick wanted to go to California Tech, but I really wanted to try out other areas. Who knows, maybe I was into the yeehaw country?

I've always wanted to move around, and now that I was almost an adult, I could!

Nick was almost 2 months older than me, which was a slight bummer since we couldn't celebrate being 18 together.

There was just something about not relating to party topics that made me depressed, but that was life at this point.

Before I could reach my locker, a large arm wrapped around my shoulder and took me in for a warm side hug. 

Apart from being surprised and somewhat spooked for the first few seconds of contact, the sweet cologne hit my nose and a smile grew on my lips.

"Hey girlfriend." 
I shrugged off his arm to let me to get stuff out of my locker.

"Do I know you? You look kinda new." I teased.

A somewhat hurt expression spread over his face before he caught the joke. "I don't think so, I am Di-I mean Nick." 

I chuckled. "Aww, your first nickname, remember that?"
Ahh, those were the days.

Where I was petty and didn't think Nick and I would ever date. I mean, who did?
All romance stories start with doubt.

"Any college replies?" I asked and he widened his eyes.

"Replies? Mal, we've been in school for like....3 months, not even. Plus, you have plenty of time to get those AP extras in, like soccer." He poked at me.

"I am not athletic. Plus, they already started." I had a whole binder full of excuses why I never wanted to do sports in Senior year.

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