→ chapter 17;;

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1. produced by or as if by magic: a magical change.2. enchanting: a magical night.3. of or pertaining to magic.


I felt as if I was a princess.

People looking at me, my heels clicking on the dance floor and Nick's hand around my waist.

You know those moments you want to store forever? This was one of them. I couldn't believe that this was happening to me, a small town girl who has moved to a town she barely knew.

With a boy she had dreamed of knowing, even though at first I was pretty bitchy to him.

I guess he learned quickly about my personality, seeing how he was tolerating my countless awkward mistakes and side eyes.

Nick's hands grazed my hips, one hand sliding down my thigh and sending my hand to correct his hand and put it on my hip.

He gave me a sly smirk and I scolded him through a bite of my lip and a subtle glare.

"Sorry, hand slipped." He teased with a gentle whisper, my sensitive ears barely catching his drift over the loud pop music.

I shook my head with a roll of my eyes and a giggle, trying to collect my posture before resuming the slow dance.

The music was slow but had a good beat, it was a good song.

I wasn't sure what song it was, but it sounded like an oldie. Classic for our school, they weren't much for the current hits. 

The Chaperone softly glided over to us across the dance floor, pushing us apart a little.

"Too close." She winked at me with a friendly smile before going to correct other couples. 

"Want a drink?" Nick asked and I nodded.

I slipped my phone out of my clutch and saw a few texts from my mom and one from an old friend.

Her name was Elena, and we used to be super tight. That was when we didn't care about judgment and understood eachother.

Elena: Hey, it's been 2 years, wow! I am sorry we have been disconnected for this long. Have you moved? A few friends told me you have but I wasn't sure. Sorry this is so late, and I am sorry about our past. Hope you get this! xx E

I sighed and put my phone away. I didn't feel like replying to her.

"Cute dress." I turned around to a boy who was a little taller than me, with a rough shave and pretty hot hair. His tux was tight and his shoes were shining, his teeth white and his eyes daunting to my pose.

"Thanks, nice tux." I shot back with a smirk.

Was I flirting? I really couldn't tell.

"Wow, flirting with my date? Cute." A familiar and petty voice rung into my ears. I squinted and twisted my neck to see Janice.

"He was the one flirting with me, but ok." I retorted softly with a joking and goofy smile before looking down at my blank phone to look like I was doing something.

Anything other than talking to Janice.

"Why don't you go mess with that idiot kid you've been snogging? The cheater?" She giggled and I raised a brow.

"Uhh what? I couldn't hear you over the sound of the irrelevance in your voice. If you can even understand that question with the IQ level of a rock." I said softly with no emotion in my voice.

Her date softly gasped and let out a small chuckle, Janice shooting him a look before stepping closer to me.

"Don't test me." She growled, her height going over me by a few inches.

"Is the little yapping poodle testing me?" I asked, squinting my eyes.

Nick stepped in with his hand through the two of us, but Janice made a move.

She grabbed my phone from my hand and dropped it into the punch, and I gasped.

"Hey, that's my phone!" I growled with an angry shout.

"Yeah, well that's what you get for flirting with my date." She smiled and turned.

Before she could get away, I reached up over Nick's arm when he was unaware, and grabbed her slick ponytail, pulling hard and seeing the 6ft figure of this girl slap onto the dancefloor.

"Oh-oh my gosh." Nick held me back as Janice got up with tears in her eyes.

"My hair!" She cried and her date laughed a little before mosying up to help her up.

"What just happened?" The chaperone asked with a daring gaze.

"She tripped." I said softly before leading Nick out of the party with my soaking wet phone with tears in my eyes.

I shouldn't of let her get to me.


Janice the Assnice.

Wait...nice ass? Idek

Sorry I have been gone for so long

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