→ chapter 15;;

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 1. having or showing a tendency to be quickly irritated or provoked

2. restlessly eager


Today was amazing.

I fell back onto my bed and gazed up at my boring ceiling and felt like running a marathon, my stomach was filled with butterflies. 

I let my arms fling back and I took a deep breathe, closing my eyes.

I can't believe this was happening!


5 hours earlier

Lunch had just finished up, and I felt like throwing up.

This whole day had gone horribly. 

I collected my books and shoved them in my locker and sighed.

"What's wrong?" I heard a voice behind me and this boy stood before me.

"Nothing." I replied quickly, my whole body tensing up.

"Oh, well, I am Otis." He smirked and I nodded.

He was supppper cute.

"Hey, I am Malibu." I smiled and turned back to my locker and grabbed my physics textbook.

"Awesome name! See you around." He called and I nodded.

Closing my locker, I quickly grasped the banister and felt like fangirling to someone.


"What made you so happy?" Nick asked as we walked towards our street.

"Just people." I gushed softly, peering at my phone.

"Would one of these people be a boy?" He replied, curiosity bordering his question.

"Maybe, I dunno." I said with a sigh, pulling up my leggings and feeling my ked sock rub off of the back of my foot.

Getting down to adjust it, Nick crossed his arms.

"Trust me, all of the guys in this school are fuckboys." He assured me and I chuckled.

"So you're calling yourself a fuckboy?" I asked with a raised brow and he stopped himself with a frustrated groan.

"Gotchya." I sassed with a whisper and pat his back, and he slowed down with a growl.

"Hey, don't hate the hater." I winked and kept walking, but he began to look nervous.

"Are you all butthurt? It was a joke, Mayorga." 

"I just- I have been waiting to ask you to the dance for a week now but I am not sure if you wanted to go." I said quickly and I froze.

"Of course I want to go! I don't mind going with a friend." I smiled and I could see his mouth curve from the corner of my eye.

"Sweet. We can text about matching outfits." He said in a girly gush and I giggled.

I was so glad he asked me, I was getting so impatient.

We skipped my road and went to the park, talking about our plans and transportation to the dance.

"Wouldn't just sitting at home and eating food be better, though?" I groaned and leaned back.

"Maybe, but if it sucks we can just ditch." He said and I nodded.

"Let's get you home." He reached to help me up but I hesitantly pulled away.

"Sorry, dirt on my hand." I lied, wiping my clean hand onto my black leggings and he nodded.

"I am so tired." I lied once again, faking an exhausted roll of my eyes and a good slouch to sell the act.

"Try to get some sleep tonight, okay?" He said with a caring and concerned voice and I nodded.


Slipping under my covers, the crickets outside were toned out by my deep thought.

I couldn't believe he finally asked me!
 I was beginning to get impatient.


Okay so a lot of you guys ask me a lot of questions in our inbox.

Like "can you read this story, I trust your opinion"

I really love to help, even though I am still learning some writing techniques myself, so if you guys want honest opinions on your story or help with common misconceptions.

Also - sorry I am trying to update 8 books at once, so if I am a day or two off, just slap me telepathically :)

- Charissa 

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