→ chapter 7;;

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1. the act or power of forming a mental of something not present to the senses or never before wholly perceived in reality

hi guys, quickly before i get into this, i feel like i should say this. never take into account what others say about you. you're you, and you can't change that. you were made to be you, and i don't give a second shit about what other people think, be you, and be the best you can be. i love you, and if you ever need to talk, i am open to talk :-) love you xx <3


I slipped into AP Physics and took a seat, looking up at the teacher.

"You're a little late." He said, the kids turning around to me and looking at me.

I gulped loudly and nodded.

"Yes, my other teacher needed some help cleaning up. You can ask her, if you'd like." I said innocently and he nodded.

"You seem to be telling the truth, so I will put my trust in you. Just don't let it happen again." He said, beginning the lesson and making pointers on the board.

I sighed loudly and slipped my phone from my overall pocket.

Nick Mayorga has added you as a friend!

Great, he found my snapchat too?

Wow, I couldn't get away from this guy.

I added him back, probably out of pity.

Or maybe out of some sort of thing in my spirit.

Just kidding, that corny shit was only in the movies, I was just really bored with what the teacher was talking about.

Physics was something I had gotten since the beginning, sciences was just something that came easily to me.

I felt a quiet buzz on my lap, looking subtly down to my phone and seeing that Nick had texted me.

Nick: Turn around you clown

I furrowed my eyebrows and slowly but surely twisted around in my seat and made eye contact with Nick. Was he in this class?

"Mrs. Malibu, would you like to keep your eyes on the board? Or shall we put my glue that has been there since 2014 to good use?" My teacher asked with a harsh backfire.

"Sorry, sir." I whispered softly, and looked timidly back up to his stare.

"If you two are going to look at each so often, would you like to do it in the office?" He asked again, and my hands quivered with a nervous feeling.

"No, sir. It won't happen again, I am sorry." I quickly replied, and he squinted his eyes.

He nodded and began talking again, this time staring at the board.

I harshly texted back Nick.

Malibuu_: Fuck off, I could've been sent to the office. Again.

Nick: I guess I am just a lucky charm

Malibu: More like you're the little leprechaun that steals all of your gold and runs away, the opposite of lucky.

Nick: I will make it up to you, wanna hang out after?

Malibu: Doing what? Getting caught by more authorities?

Nick: Nah, something fun.

Malibu: Like what?? :-/

Nick: Use your imagination, Mrs. Beach.

Malibu: Okay, I am blocking you.

I softly put down my phone and smiled to myself, knowing Nick could probably see my cheeks puff up and collect as my teeth showed and I stuck my tongue out in excitement.

I don't think I was that excited to socialize with someone, just excited to see Nick. It was like he understood me when the rest of the kids in my life would just assume my past.

He took the time rather than taking advantage, and I respected him.

I liked him, and he was beginning to make a big impact on my life.

Writing in my notebook and beginning to listen, the teacher squinted his eyes at me and walked slowly over, and I slowly brought my eyes up from my notebook.

Picking my small pad up, my pencil dropped to the table with a small noise and he observed them.

"Good, Malibu is doing this right. Can you all follow her example and actually listen?" He snapped aggressively and I smiled to myself as he put my notebook back down.

I could feel the eyes burn on my back and I softly sat back, and my phone buzzed.

Nick: smartass lmao

What an assclown.


literally guys homeschoolers have so much shit to go through.

we don't get diplomas unless we go through school and it sucks because i have worked so hard to graduate early and i can't even do that, i am lowkey emo

good night


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