→ chapter 37;;

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a word or phrase expressing love or affection.


my hand tightened in nick's hand. mine was so small compared to his. the roaring rollercoasters, the commotion, the calming aroma of funnel cakes.

"do you want to try this ride?" nick stopped, his head rotating upwards to see the extent of the large rollercoaster that we stood before.

"yeah, looks fun." i smiled. "how about we go get some food then go? you look hungry." he noticed how quiet i seemed. i nodded in agreement.

it was true, i was hungry and tried. we had been at this theme park all day, and this was my first outing other than school since the accident.

i would never pity myself to the point where i would disconnect from nick, he didn't deserve that. i guess you could say we're dating, not that it was much else.

it was different, it was like we were practically married. is that weird to say? i feel like it's weird to say.

he stayed over sometimes, i stayed over sometimes, our moms were so used to it, they didn't even have to knock anymore. 

our shoes went from the gravel hard concrete to the wood floors, traveling into a small opening of a souvenir and diner. 

the upside of theme parks is they had amazing food and amazing gift shops, the downside is all of it was extremely expensive. "go order what you want, i'll pay up front, i wanna surprise you with something." he smiled with a mischievous curve of his lips. 

i rolled my eyes with a playful giggle and walked over to the small counter, a few couples ahead of where i stood. it gave me a moment to see what they had to offer.

my head turned to the side and i saw a tall blonde male figure. shaggy hair, a bony build. it looked as if it was lukas.

it didn't make me sad much anymore to think about him. after all, he was gone, right? my mind must've been playing tricks on me, the side of his face denting inward to a special jawline craft, like he used to have.

but when the boy turned, his face just didn't match. what did you expect, malibu? he's dead, he's not going to be in the middle of the theme park.

by the time the barista put my order on the counter beside the register, nick had successfully pranced over to me in excitement.

"okay, let's go outside, and then i will surprise you." he pointed to the outdoor seating.

it wasn't as packed as the indoors, though i could see why. flies, some leftover food on the empty tables, and the wave of heat that made my back sweat uncomfortably.

nevertheless, nick got what he wanted. how could i refuse those cute little cheeks that fleshed into his face when he smiled so wide? i almost wanted to squish them, but he didn't like when i got all gushy.

i took a seat and passed his small fried chicken bowl to him, mixed with mashed potatoes and gravy and some corn. mine was the same, except it had veggies. 

i wasn't a vegetarian, i just didn't trust the meat at theme parks. or anywhere, really.

my coffee was nice and cold, my hands contacting it with relief. "so, mr., what's the surprise." i popped my brows up in a goofy look.

"tadahhh." nick struggled with opening the bag, revealing a small plushie. "noo, nick, what if we break up or something and i have to throw out the plushie?" i whined, he knew i hated plushies.

i loved them, trust me, but i hated how they brought back memories i may not want forever. "if we break up, then i will give you $50."  he slapped my hand and put the small plushee in my hands.

a dolphin, one of my favorite sea animals. i mean, i loved manatees too. who couldn't adore those thick sea cows? 

"one more thing, i swear." he reached into the bag, pulling out a small keychain. "it says malibu shores, see?" his large hand slid the small metal decorative piece into mine.

"it's so cute." i smiled. my heart ached, i loved how sweet he was. "okay, stay here. i have to run to the bathroom." i put my stuff down and kissed his cheek before escaping to find my own gifts for him.

"i love you." i heard him call and i stopped in my path, turning around and making eye contact with the stud muffin. "i love you too." the words of endearment played loudly out in the open.

that was that.


i'm so sorry i haven't updated

i'm about to go to college!!

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