→ chapter 18;;

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1. to stop feeling angry or resentful toward (someone) for an offense, flaw, or mistake.
I held my forehead and began to breath deep in my driveway.

"They're going to suspend me, Nick! She's going to tattle and I am going to be in trouble....oh gosh..." I thought the worst, the comforting hands of Nick snaking around my hips.

"This isn't time for you to get handsy, Nick!" I pushed him softly off of me and grabbed my bag.

"So you're just going to walk away?" He asked with a raise of his brow.

"No, go to the window. I will let you in. Climb up the tree and it's a little bit of a hop." I said with a regretting sigh, walking into my home.

"Hey princess, how was your big night?" She asked and hugged me.

"Good, I am just really tired!" I said with a faked smile.

"I bet! Thankfully tomorrow is a Saturday." She hip bumped me and motioned me up to my room.

"Come downstairs if you want to binge watch Season 2 of Riverdale and some fruit loops." She said with a yawn, grabbing her box of fruit loops.

"Okay, love ya." I said, jogging up the stairs with my bag and heels in hand.

This dress was so nice but the sparkles on my hips hurt so bad.

I sulked over to the window and popped it open, Nick on the tree branch.

"Okay, so just hop onto the side of the window and crawl up." I whispered and he nodded.

He haunched over and jumped, hands latching onto the wood panel on the window sill.

"Beaut-" Before I could speak, the wood panel snapped and he fell down and slapped onto the ground.

"O-oh my God! Nick!" I said a little loudly, and he grunted.

"Hold on." I said, quickly slipping out and hopping onto the branch, my dress ripping up to my thigh.

Shit, my mom paid a lot for this!

I slid onto the ground and bent over and grabbed Nick's jaw.

"Are you okay?" I asked frantically and he nodded with an eyebrow furrow.

"Wait, I need mouth to mouth." He smirked with a painful whisper.

"You're a jackass." I slapped him and kissed him softly.

His hands dragged onto my hips and I slipped onto his lap.

It felt so weird, being on top of a guy.

Don't get me wrong, being with Nick made me happy but I felt so disgusting straddling a guy.

His hands slipped up my thigh to where my dress ripped and he stopped kissing me.

"Aw, your nice dress." He was distracted and I giggled.

Nick's attention span was like the dogs on UP, that cute disney movie.

"Wait, what's this?" He asked, hands on a bloody spot.

"Oh, it must've cut me." I said, watching him try to inspect my small scrape from the tree.

"Let's climb back up, you can show me your acrobatic ways." I teased and he slapped my arm playfully.

"And I can be a little doctor with your serious leg wound." He teased.

OKAY SO i know it's been forever since I have updated:)

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