→ chapter 5;;

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1. a brief but intense infatuation for someone, especially someone unattainable or inappropriate


Nick had paid for me, which I greatly appreciated.

He wasn't too bad of a kid, wasn't the
headass I made him out to be.

"Thanks for the milkshake 'n stuff. Means a lot." I whispered.

It was hard for me to show gratitude. I didn't really have a reason behind being shy in that area, it just was hard. Same for accepting compliments and trusting people.

Trusting people wasn't just hard because I might've been hurt in the past, it was hard because in todays world, heartbreak was something we were taught at a young age.

We weren't in the jolly 90s anymore where everyone was
happy and content in their own little world, we were in a world of pure evil and destruction.

I wasn't that sheltered, obviously. I was politically and religiously aware, so I would often call myself educated and try to act dumb so people wouldn't know until I whipped out the dictionary.

"No problem, it was my pleasure." He said back confidently, pulling into my driveway.

"I will pay you back tomorrow." I said quickly before exiting the vehicle.

Before he could reply or we could socialize anymore.

Opening my door, my mom was on the couch reading a book.

I walked past and went upstairs, putting my bookbag down and slipping my phone onto the charger.

Making my bed, I laid my books out and bit on my pencil, trying to think of the questions.

Concentrate, Mali!

You need to get your homework in tomorrow for a good grade.

All I could think of was him.


Ugh, he literally made my heart soft.

Why was I like this?

I literally JUST started going to school here, and I didn't deserve someone at this point. All I did was hide the crippling reality that I used to be someone I never would be.

Why would Nick go after me?

"You're so stupid, Malibu." I muttered.

He was just trying to get into your pants, or he was just trying to make a friend.

It's obvious he doesn't have a thing for you, why do you jump to conclusions.

I shook the idea out of my head and concentrated on my Physics, circling what I thought was right and stuffing it back into my folder.

Moving onto Algebra II, I looked up the answers because I couldn't be bothered to put in an effort.

Opening up my laptop, I bit my lip.

I was thinking about him again.

My toes curled around and my heartbeat sped up, just thinking of his unique eyes and his white teeth.

My fingers popped out of an anxious exhale, and my eyes blinked twice before I attempted to shake the idea of his laugh from my head.

I fell back onto my bed, and I looked up at the ceiling.

I could just hear my conscience whispering to me, but I ignored it.

For as long as I could, at least.

"Malibu, you're crushing." Yeah, right.

Am not.

Was I? No, falling hard for a boy with this good of a social status was bad news, all you were going to do was get hurt and get lose in the world of relationships.

Why would he date you anyway? You dress like a freshman.

Sighing heavily, I accepted the obvious truth.

I had a crush.


Do you guys have a crush? I usually refer to mine as romantic interests, since I am older I should be more mature, right?

(edit- lol ur like 12 go to bed)


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