→ chapter 20;;

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be equal to (something) in quality or strength.
"How are you feeling?" Nick asked, and I shrugged.

"Mad." I replied after thinking about it for a moment.
"Still? Janice isn't gonna try you again." He stroked my hair as I laid across my bed.

"I may try her. With murder. A knife, preferably." I whispered. 

Nick chuckled and flipped through his phone. "If it makes you feel any better, her and her boyfriend broke it off." Nick huffed.

How did that make me feel be-well yeah, it kinda did.

Janice was like a relentless mosquito that wanted your blood and wouldn't stop until you slapped it into a window.

It was pretty hard to go to school and be happy when there was fear inside of you relentlessly knawing away at you.

It was horrible, and I hated the feeling.

Nick was comforting, but he could only bring my mood up so much.

"Let's go out to eat tonight, alright? Get your mind off of it." Nick kissed my cheek and slipped out from under it. It left me to plop down on my cozy bed spread. He got up and grasped his keys.

"Where you going?" I asked, quite hurt that he was going to leave me to wallow in my own despair.

"Home to do homework, I will text you times." He smiled and I got up.

"Hug?" I asked. I was acting needy because I was borderline depressive, but that was just me.

"Of course." He whispered, embracing me in a big hug. He kissed the top of my head and exited my room.

Gosh, I guess I should get started with school work. Scooting off my bed, I walked over to my black desk and opened up my bookbag, sliding out my homework folder that I neatly placed my papers in, and began to work on it.

Algebra II was in class today, so there was no homework. 

Physics just made me question life, but it was okay. All school did.

By the time I was finished with my homework, it was almost 6pm. Wasn't Nick supposed to text me? Looking over, my phone notifications were just snapchats and some apps.

I slid under my covers and took a deep breath.

Malibu; if u wanna go out, call me, gonna nap

I slowly turned over and held another pillow in my arms.

Did Nick forget? 


I opened up my eyes and felt an easy panic rush to my body. What time was it? It was pitch black outside, and I looked over at my alarm clock.

It was 3am....

I quickly picked up my phone and unplugged it, looking at the recent notifications.

Mom: Out shopping, need anything?
Mom: nvm left

Jackie: Hey, jackie from phsyics, mind meeting with me tomo before school? need some notes from you :)

But nothing from Nick....he forgot. That or his phone magically got thrown at a wall by a cursed wizard that looked like Gandalf. 

Yeah, that was a joke. I was a little worried. Did he get home? 

Should I call him?

No, he's probably asleep. I am just being worried.

I climbed back into bed and placed my wireless headphones in.

I will see him tomorrow.



is nick okay?



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