→ chapter 26;;

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1.  the events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future  


I took a deep breath, Nick and his mom were talking to each other and leaving me out, what's new?

Before I could go deeper into some interesting thoughts, I heard the front door open. "I AM HOME, MY PEASANTS!" The loud booming voice spooked me, and Anthony rounded the corner.

"Oh shit, we have a guest?"  He said quietly and Nick narrowed his gaze at him in a warning shot.

"You've met me, I am Malibu." I said sweetly and he nodded.

"Yeah, the exotic one!" He elbowed Nick with a wink and sat down.

"So, what has Malibu coast been up to?" He asked as he started serving himself.

"Uhm, well school...." I didn't really have a better answer.  "She is really smart." Nick added in and I gave him a snide eye, trying to stop him. "You're smarter."  I shot back and he scoffed, spaghetti almost spilling from his mouth.

"Depends in which subject, he has a stupid spot in his brain for maths." Anthony chuckled and Nick smacked his brothers arm. "Knock it off, you two." The mother warned in a chuckle. "Boys, am I right?" She asked and I laughed and looked at Nick.

"You're right, very right." I said quietly and began to eat. Spaghetti is not the best thing to eat over at someones house, because I stuff food into my mouth, but it's hard not to get sauce on your face. 

I wiped my face after every bite, and the table was silent. "So, how is your family?" Mrs. Mayorga asked with a smile, and I looked up at her. "My mom is doing amazing, she just got a job actually." 

"Oh, what about your dad?" She asked, and I looked down at my plate. "He left us when I was young." I replied, my eyes connecting back up with hers with a soft gaze. "I am sorry to bring it up, bless your heart." She pat my hands and I smiled and nodded.

"It's fine, I am over it." I chuckled to myself. I wasn't over it, but it was easier to push away pain then openly accept it, right?


The crickets were loud tonight, that's the first thing I noticed as I opened the big front door. My hand grasped my keys tightly and I looked around the front lawn. I hated walking at night, thankfully I had my car.

"Hey, wait up." I heard Nick call as he jogged out to me, the door closing behind him. "Mhm?" I asked, obviously tired and stuffed full. She fed me until I couldn't fit another strawberry in my mouth with my salad. 

"Thanks for staying over, you made dinner fun." He said and I nodded. "Of course, have a good night." I said softly and then turned back around and walked towards my vehicle. 

"Wait, I wasn't finished." He said loudly and I turned back around. "Well finish so I can go home and sleep." I said with an effortless groan.

"Right, sorry. Do you want to go to the charity dance with me and my date? I invited a girl I met named Erica, she's super nice. Since you don't have a date." He pointed out, and I shrugged. 

"I don't do dances, buddy." I said with a smile. "Erica sounds lovely, need to meet her sometime." I said sweetly, and he switched from a hopeless frown to a smile. 

"Good night, Nicky Mouse." I called and he laughed. "Oh, how the tables have turned, Hawaii shore!" He called and I choked with laughter. "Screw you!" I said loudly before I started my car and backed out.

Maybe dating Nick would've messed with my friendship with him, and I didn't want to do that. Maybe we would come together sometime in the near future, maybe it was our destiny?  That sounded oddly gushy and corny, but I did believe in doors opening while doors closed.

My next mission? Finding a date to that dance. If Nick was going to show up with this Erin chick, I needed a hot ass man fast to make him see what he was missing, dancing with what I wouldn't be missing. Who knows, what if I meet my husband? Nah, probably not.



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