→ chapter 34;;

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keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties.
"Is that Lukas?" Nick asked in a worrisome glance over me while I hoisted him into Denny's.

"Y-yeah." I shook my head and his eyes wielded a glance of pure betrayal.

"You told me you weren't in contact with him." He bit his lip in frustration and continued to lift my hands to assure himself I was not hurt.

I had to be vigilant with both Nick and Lukas. Nick wasn't dangerous but I hated letting him control me, even if it was to protect me.

"Cut it out." I warned, my hands freeing themselves. I have had enough with guys not letting me protect myself for one night.

Sure, I was a little scared back there, but who wouldn't be? Lukas could've had a gun, he could've hurt me, or he could've tried.

"I'm gonna go home." I whispered to Nick and he nodded. "I'll walk you to your car."

I nonchalantly bobbed my head to him in agreement, my eyes daintily transferring from car to car. No Lukas.

The knot in my chest released mostly in relief, my hands that squeezed my phone lost their extreme grip.

I was tense, to say the least. I was just happy Lukas got my message.

I never thought TWO guys would be coming after me, let alone one. I always felt like I was too....awkward?

People who say they're awkward, probably aren't that awkward.

"Do you want me to follow you home?" Nick asked as his hands folded into mine.

"Nope, all good." I smiled.

"Okay, well, text me if you have any problems." He kissed my forehead.

I was happy Nick was so caring, it just felt overwhelming when everyone in my life was blocking me from deciding for myself.

I watched him walk away and I got into my car. Starting the engine, I heard the door click open and someone sit down.

Looking up from my seatbelt buckle, my eyes connected with the ice blue set, maybe as ice blue as his heart.

A solid object connected with my head and a click sounded. A gun.

"You hurt me, is this what you deserve?"
sorry if i have been so

C O U R A G E ❈ NICK MAYORGAWhere stories live. Discover now