→ chapter 8;;

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Falling for someone romantically and not notcing until you're basically dough :,-)


Nick and I walked through the drinks section at Walmart.

Picking up a small fruit smoothie drink, he grabbed the same thing.

"Copier." I teased and he chuckled.

"While we're here, my mom needs some laundry detergent." He said and I nodded.

"Sounds good, I need a new shirt so meet me up at the front." I reported to him and we parted ways.

Walking to the girls section, I saw a boy who was following me.

"Are you planning on kidnapping me or something?" I mocked and turned my head.

"Nope, just to talk." He sat a few feet behind me.

"About? Make it quick." I sassed in a quick reply.

Picking up a cute and short tee from the hanger next to me and tried to get him to notice I was shopping.

"I see you walking the halls a lot....you're really pretty." He spit out and I hid my smile between his eyes and the back of me.

"How sweet. What's your name?" I asked with a determined look towards the tee that I had in my fair hands.

"William." He replied and I turned around.

"Well, Will.....can I get your number?" I asked when I came face to face with him.

He handed me his phone and I added my phone number.

"Text me." I whispered before walking towards the cash register.

Seeing Nick, he saw me and we met at self checkout.

"Who was that guy?" He asked with a squinted gaze of confusion.

"Just a hopeless romantic, it seems." I lied. Will seemed pretty chill.

"Ah, I see." He nodded and we exited the store.

"So how does the lake sound? Some friends are having a party later and I wanted you to come." He said as we got into the car.

"The notorious Nick inviting me to a party, how flattering." I teased and giggled as he let out an annoyed chuckle.

"Fine, you don't have to come." He mocked back and I seemed offended.

"I suck at partying." I admitted with a groan.

"Then I can make you...not suck? It's a smaller one." He said with a raise of his brow.

"Do I have to dress up or anything." I said softly, looking at my phone.

"Not really, we all dress chill and nobody complains." He shrugged as he turned into the park parking lot.

"What are we doing here?" I asked with a confused growl.

"Hanging out, lose the attitude Mrs. Malibu." He squinted his eyes.

"Finally, you manage to get something correct." I hissed back and got out with my drink.

We took a seat together on the edge of the playground.

The park was empty, the sunset making me sit in awe and sip my drink.

"So why did you move?" Nick asked, starting off the conversation.

"My dad has worked all over, so we move a lot. Hopefully this is my last move until college." I admitted and he nodded.

"What are you planning on doing?" He asked and I looked at him and rested my head on the stiff playground bar.

"Dunno, probably something in psychology." I guessed and he nodded.

"Do you play any sports?" I asked and he nodded.

"Football, and I am thinking about soccer since I used to play." He said and I smiled.

"What?" He asked, noticing my subtle curve of the mouth.

"Nothing, just remembering when I used to play soccer. I might join this season." I made contact with the peachy skies and could feel his eyes burning through me.

"You should, the girls on the team are really nice." He suggested and I shrugged.

"Maybe." I squinted my eyes towards him and smirked.

"This playground looks old."  I commented on the rustic design of the older play place.

"Been here since I was little, they never really replace things here." He peered behind him.

"When does that party start?" I asked, checking my phone.

"In an hour. Want to head out?" He asked and I nodded.

Climbing down after him, my adidas slipped off the watery metal ladder footing, and I started to slip downwards.

Before it got bad, I felt a pair of strong hands grip my hips and Nick put me down.

"Sorry - " He started off and I shook off the feeling.

No feelings.

You couldn't be falling for him.

"It's fine! Thanks." I said sweetly, trying to shake it off.


so dramatic oof

sorry for being inactive, i literally am so caught up in life atm

i hope you guys understand

go hit up my instagram to chat :)


- charissa <3

C O U R A G E ❈ NICK MAYORGAΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα