→ chapter 12;;

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 1. a fluttering and nauseated sensation felt in the stomach when one is nervous.  


My hands scaled my locker, opening up the jammed metal door and sticking my books in it.

I was halfway through the day, lunch was next.

Grabbing my lunch, I made my way out to the courtyard.

There was Nick, on the steps.


I walked over and took a seat, slapping down my two clementines and bag of chips.

"You call this a lunch?" He huffed and I groaned.

"You make me sound anorexic, trust me, I eat more than my body weight when I get home." It was true, I was a stress eater.

"How are you doing?" The tension rose once again, and I laid back and stared up at the sun.

"Fine." I replied with a solemn exhale.

Why did he have to get onto that subject?
It wasn't okay, but I would live.

My bruises had healed, physically.

"You sure?" He asked, and my muscles tightened.

"Nick, I said I am fine." I whispered back, trying to keep it all in.

I felt like screaming at him, but it wouldn't do any good.

What happened, happened.

It's not like he raped me.

What if he had?

Don't think like that, Malibu.

"I can tell you're thinking, your finger taps when you are." He said, and I noticed my habit.

Stopping my finger, he chuckled.

"Is that illegal?" I snapped back softly, and I could hear him adjust himself.

"Sorry." I apologized after a few moments, and he hummed.

"It's fine." We sat there, for a good few minutes.

"Are you not hungry?" He asked, breaking the peaceful and bliss white noise within my ears.

"Not anymore." I replied and closed my eyes and let the sun sink into my tanned skin.

"You need to eat." Nick pressed in more to pressure me to eat, but I shook it off.

"No, I don't." I insisted and he gave up with a groan.

"I am fine, okay? Please, stop worrying about me." I said with a caring tone, and his eyes met mine as I opened mine and turned my head.

"Gotchya." He said, standing up.

"Nick, c'mon." Was he seriously going to be so dramatic? 

"Gotta go to class early." He lied.

Nick, going to class? My ass.

(wow rhymed, i should be the next post malone)

"Yeah right, the last time you were early to class was the first day!" I threw a pebble at him jokingly, and it hit his back.

It softly rolled off onto the ground and he twisted around to see my goofy smile.

He shook it off and walked inside, his smile missing and making me feel empty.

He gave me butterflies, but I couldn't admit it.

 I didn't want to love someone who wouldn't love me the same way.

It was obvious, we would always be friends.



Okay if you have that ONE friend who you have this giant romantic interest in and they friendzone you daily?? NO? JUST ME???

I am 100% sure it's not just me :)

"Wow, she said romantic interest" 

I know, I am m a t u r e now, guys

I am basically an adult *not really*

- Charissa 

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