→ chapter 6;;

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1. feel sad, repentant, or disappointed over (something that has happened or been done, especially a loss or missed opportunity)


I admired my outfit in the mirror. This morning I actually tried with my design skills, and I was pleased.

Some tight skinny jeans, a tee that was tucked in, and I was sporting a cute black leather belt. My hair was curled and fluffed, and I really loved it.

I was also sporting some checkered slip-ons, while my black heart choker stood out.

I was ready, yet it was 30 minutes before school started.

Stuffing my homework, which I barely finished last night because of my "thoughts", into my bag.

I took my phone off of the charger and noticed my instagram had a few follows.

NickMayorga has followed you.

Humming quietly, I noticed a few other people had followed his lead.

Destinnyy_ has followed you.

GenaWest10 has followed you.

Justin_Topper has followed you.

I followed Nick back and left the rest to be miserable.

Putting my phone in my back pocket, I put my bag onto my left shoulder and walked downstairs.

"I'm gonna walk, momma." I called.

"Wait, your lunch!" She got up from the chair she was on and jogged to me with a paper bag.

Peering inside was another sandwich.

"Thanks." I faked a happy smile and exited the house.

Throwing the bag in the dumpster before leaving the premises, I made my way towards the sidewalk.


It was super nice out, and I was appreciative of that. I walked into school a few minutes before the bell rang, making my way to my locker and putting my books in it neatly.

I might dress like a slob most of the time, but my locker had to be neat for me to get good grades.

Walking to AP English II, I had my folder and textbook in hand, walking in and taking a seat.

Today was going to be hella boring.


Lunchtime was my favorite time.

Sitting back on the stairs by the door, I stared up at the sky. The sun was behind some clouds, providing a good and even breeze to cool my skin.

I closed my eyes and relished in the pain and misery of being hungry. The hunger pain was either bearable or sounding like a dying dog. I don't know which it was today.

I wasn't going to lie, being hungry sucked.

I heard a shuffle beside me and opened my eyes and looked over.

"Hey, Pacific Coast." Nick hummed with a smile, taking a seat.

"I will literally cut off your dick." I groaned and closed my eyes again, trying to get back into my peaceful zone.

"Go for it." He teased, and took a bit of his sandwich.

My stomach probably sensed food, because it let out a lurching whale mating call.

"Why is your stomach going wacko." He pointed out, and I shrugged.

"Didn't bring lunch because my mom is unaware our ingredients have spoiled and I don't have the heart to inform her." I mumbled quietly, my feet stretching out.

"Want some of my food? I packed a lot today." He said and I shook my head.

"I'll just starve, thanks." I said back in a calm and low manner, my arm stretching over my face to block my eyes from the sun.

"Please? I don't want you to starve." He replied with a higher pitched voice.

Wait....does he care?

I breathed a little faster, and my heart pounded within my chest. My fingers curled into a clenched fist, and my stomach felt like it was twisting.

If this is what butterflies felt like, then I didn't want them anymore.

"No thanks." I repeated, getting up at the sound of the bell and exiting the courtyard.

Ugh, why did I do that?
First off, food...yum?

Second off, he was trying to be nice.

I'm such a bitch, and I loved it.

But also hated it.


me at all times tbfh lmao

what is your middle name?

mine is rose :)

ik there are so many roses out there, i am sorry i am not unique haha

excuse me while i go scream at the top of my lungs because ACT prep tests suCK

- charissa

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