2. Nathan

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My name is Nathaniel Evans. My family and friends call me Nathan, I prefer simple things, so I like the short name Nathan. If people (especially my friends and my family, specifically my sister Rachel) knew I'm saying; I like simple things, they would laugh out very hard because they think I like complicated things. They think I'm complicated because; I like tidiness, I am serious, organizing, and most importantly I like studying. You might call me a geek but I'm not. All I am is; a different, weirder person.

Me and my sister, Rachel Evans, are very different in every possible way, if someone makes a parenting test for us, they'll be totally surprised that we're siblings but that doesn't change the fact that we are indeed siblings. That wild, crazy, kind hearted girl is my sister. I am twenty four years old, while she's twenty three, that one year makes me be extra protective of her, which is of course something she doesn't like, but I can't help it, I don't want all those hormone driven guys to seduce her and make problems for her.

Now that I'm far away, I can't do anything but call her and my parents to check on her health and emotions, I called her last night to check on her, but she hung up on me after yelling at me that she isn't a child anymore. So, yeah. You can now guess why I'm saying we're totally different, she yells and shouts all the time, while I'm calm and just... smiling all the time.

Okay, Okay. Not smiling all the time, but you get what I'm saying.

Rachel lives with her best friend, Jessie, who happens to be my childhood friend too, they live at Jessie's apartment at Louisville, Kentucky. I live in Gainesville in the state of Florida, in the dorm with my great friend, Dave. Who happens to be just like me (so much in love with studying). We're studying dentistry, at University of Florida. I know what you might be thinking of right now, you're probably glaring at my figurative image in your head saying; were you crazy to get into school of dentistry?

The answer is... Yes. I was crazy, I am crazy. But it has always been my dream to be a dentist. Unlike other people, I didn't choose to be a dentist because I had a role model (who usually happens to be a dentist, and saves you magically from pain) when I was a child. I chose to a dentist, because of the exact opposite reason.

I was only five when I was having a throbbing pain in my mouth. Being a kid, I had no idea what it was and I was putting my hand over my mouth, and refusing to eat any food, crying the entire time. My parents were worried about me so they took me to a dentist, who (I still remember) was called Dr. Brown. First of all I had no idea why he was Mr. Brown, his skin color was not even near to brown.. or yellow for that matter, he looked very pale that for a few minutes I thought he was a vampire, except vampires don't have pale looking lips and they have fangs, this dentist didn't have fangs, so my five year old brain decided that he wasn't a vampire.

Second of all, it was terrible. Maybe terrible is not a good word to describe my experience with that dentist, but it was indeed terrible. I was already having pain, crying and feeling miserable. Dr. Brown smiled at me, and assumed my father there is no need to worry, then he told me to open my mouth. I opened my mouth (with tears still streaming down my cheeks) and was putting some sort of thin sticks with a small mirror attached to it (which now I know are called mouth mirrors) inside my mouth.

After a while, he told my father that he has to take out me tooth, since it was completely destroyed, my father was worried about it, but Dr. Brown assured him that it won't even cause pain. Hearing that I visibly relaxed and my crying stopped for a while, my father made a huge mistake then, he told me he'll go buy me sweets, he thought I'll be motivated by that, I admit I was. I even smiled. But we both didn't have any idea what Dr. Brown had in mind.

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