38. Nathan

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The moment Jessie got out of the car Dave got in the passenger seat of my car. I stared at Jessie's retreating figure for a while, who still had my coat on, until she disappeared from view. I sighed wishing these two months finish soon, it's very hard to lie to her and especially about a subject as love. Dave's chuckle snapped me back to reality, I narrowed my eyes as I stared at him questioningly.

"What?" I asked. As I shifted the gear from R to D.

"You can't get enough of her." Dave pointed out.

"What do you mean, I can't get enough of her?" I asked. My frown deepening.

"Isn't it obvious?" Dave said, I saw him grin out of the corner of my eyes.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I lied, praying to god he just drop the subject. But knowing Dave I had no luck and he was pressing me for information nonstop.

"Ohhhhhh... Come Ooonnn. You know exactly what I mean." Dave said, throwing his hands in the air, "You are dating her and you're not even telling me-"

"It's not-"

"-Don't worry, I won't tell Rachel, if that's why you kept it a secret-"

"She already knows, and it's not-"

"-That's great! Than your love story will not have any obstacles. It will be like Romeo and Juliet, no- wait their love story was tragic, maybe I should ask Jessie to lend me some of her romantic books-"

"Dave. Will you just listen-"

"-To read. I mean, God I'm so excited for you Nathan, I thought you will never see any other girl the way you saw Holly-"

"Dave!! Pl-"

"-But I think it's time for you to move on, mate. And Jessie is the perfect girl for you, she's smart, she's kind, she's even prettier than that Holly girl. Yikes! I never approved of her. She was just so.... so... well you know what I mean. How did it happen though? You have to tell me everything."

"It was Rachel's idea. I told her it's a bad idea, but then-"

"Ohhhh!! I didn't know it was a blind date. Holly macaroni. But... hold on... you don't like blind dates."

"It wasn't a blind date it was-"

"Oh c'mon Nathan. I know you're shy but I'm your friend, you know you can tell me. But wow... I mean I know she's pretty and all that, but... thought you said she's not your type? She's just-"

"I'm her fake boyfriend, Dave." I said angrily, grabbing the steering wheel so tightly my knuckles were hurting.

"- so weird, you know. But I like weird it's- what?" Dave frowned and stared at me as if I had become a unicorn.

"I'm her fake boyfriend." I repeated, calmly. "Our relationship is fake. False. Wrong. Fraud. Pretentious. Abnormal. Whatever you name it."

"But... but... how?" He asked, I could sense his disappointment and sadness without even looking at him.

"It just... happened." I said. And I told him everything. From when Rachel called me to her room and told me about her stupid idea, to Harry whose goal was Jessie. And I told him how I was even stupider than Rachel and agreed to this whole thing. Dave listened without uttering a word, his excitement dying away and I could feel him sulking a little bit in his seat.

"You could have just warned her about Harry." He finally said. In a voice so unlike himself.

"She wouldn't have believed me. Harry is very good at what he's doing." I answered, my hold tightening on the steering wheel again as I remembered how he could break hearts.

Rachel's heart.

"I think what you're doing is bad, Nathan." My friend said, "That will hurt Jessie more than not being asked out by anyone."

"I already know that." I mumbled and sighed.

"Well... I hope everything turns out well," Dave said, "I'm sorry for not supporting you like you would have expected. It's just that I never thought you'd do such a thing."

"It's okay-"

"But you know I'm always here if you need me."

"Thank you." I said curtly. We didn't talk the rest of the ride, each of us left to our own thoughts. And I was glad for the silence, I didn't know if I would have been able to hold my anger or what I would have told Dave if he uttered another word. Not because of lack of his support but it because I was angry at myself.

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