48. Nathan

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I felt my Dad's eyes on me the entire time I was with Jessie. That's why I walked away from her, in case he came and humiliated me in front of my-

Oh god!

Is Jessie my friend?

Is she my girlfriend?

Well technically she's both. I think she's my friend, she thinks she's my girlfriend.

I don't know what to call her then. But for the first time since I decided to be in this relationship for these two months, I think I did the right thing.

Jessie is smiling more, laughing more, and she looks much happier than she used to be.


I turned around and raised an eyebrow when I saw who had just appeared in front of me. My eyes widened, my pulse quickened, I felt my lips and hands tremble, and the emotions I had tried to bury for one full year all came back to me in a spit of a second.

Anger, rage, love, hate, sadness, hopelessness, negativity... and any other emotion which could destroy anyone, could be added to this list. But the feeling so powerful than any of those above was: regret.

I regret the moment I asked out Holly for the first time, regret our first date, and the many after, regret that I opened up to her, that I let myself have any feelings for her.

I regret I even laid eyes on her, and that I told her I love her.

Hell, I regret falling in love with this girl. But sometimes life is unfair, and the kind of love Shakespeare and Jane Austin have written about is just not true, and doesn't exist in real life.

My life was perfect before Holly came into it, and ruined it for me. I thought she has made my life perfect. But I have never been that wrong in my entire life. I didn't need a girl to make my life perfect, my life was already perfect.

"Holly..." I murmured and fisted my hands from surprise.

Her name was so bitter on my tongue, that I pressed my lips into a thin line in order not to say it again.

I never thought I would say her name ever again. I never thought I would even meet her again. I thought she left for good. She promised she would would never appear in front of me again.

"Oh Nathan!" Holly said enthusiastically, as she smiled and took a step towards me. I took a step back and held up the palm of my hand to show her ai don't want her anywhere near me.

"What are you doing here?" I said calmly and put down my hand, she frowned and stopped in her tracks.

"You know how much I love fashion, I came here to see Miranda's designs and to talk to her" She sai, her plastic smile back on her face.

"It's Mrs. Evans for you" I said bitterly, I was surprised at how calm I was. I didn't expect to be this calm when I meet this girl again. But here I was talking to Holly very calmly, as if I have never been through what I've beem through, with her in my life.

I admit I liked the other side of her. The one she showed me (and still is showing now) but unfortunately her true side is the other worse one. It's the cheating, lying, rude, needy, and highly egoistic side of her.

I can't say this girl is a bitch, because each one of us has our own bitchy side hidden deep within us. So according to this, every single person is a bitch.

Instead I'll call her a snake. Since she looks calm and beautiful and soft, but bites you in the end, when you're not even aware of it.

The only difference between human snakes and animal snakes is that humans bite you whenever they want to, whereas animals only bite when humans hurt them, or when they think they're in danger.

In the end, human snakes are much worse than animal snakes.

"Well... I came to see Mrs. Evans and her fashion show" She said, "OMG!! It was so beautiful, all those feathers, and gold colors were just-"

"I told you not to appear in front of me again" I hissed, not giving a damn about her excuses.

"I didn't know you'd be here!" She exclaimed. Her eyes widened, and she blinked several times.

Oh please! Lies again!

"Don't lie to me!" I said, and pointed my indext finger at her, in threaten.

"I'm not lying" She whispered.

"Are you saying you came all the way back from England, to watch my mother's fashion show, thinking I'm not here?" I said sarcastically, moving my arms everywhere in frustration. Then I rubbed my forehead with my thumb and index finger, as I sighed and tried to calm my nerves.

Holly shed a few tears then grabbed my hands, pulled them closer to her mouth and kissed them.

My Fake Boyfriend (Complete)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ