23. Jessie

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The wind was dancing with her long dark hair, her green eyes looked just like mine, but prettier. You could melt in them.She smiled when she saw me make a face, the one I make when I'm confused or just wondering what on earth could be happening to me...

Where am I?

I looked around, the sun was making her beautiful hair shine. There were lots of colorful flowers, and many tall trees. On the far end of the chain of trees, I could see mountains, which were covered in snow.

Where is this place?

"Do you like to find out?"

I jerked my head towards the beautiful woman, who was standing there like an angel, staring at me. I bit my lower lip from embarrassment, not realizing I had thought out loud.

"Who are you?" I asked hesitantly. Feeling a bit shy around this intimidating woman. She smiled, her white teeth showing and walked slowly towards me.

"That you'll find out soon my little child, now answer my question... Do you like it here?" She asked. Even her voice was like a melody to my ears.

I looked around once more, it was like I was finally adapting to this place. The air was so fresh, birds were singing, the sun was not that hot at all, the colorful flowers were warming my heart, and most of all my curiosity was getting the better of me and it was attracting me towards this beautiful woman.

"Yes." I finally said, while nodding my head. I mean, who wouldn't want to live in a place like this? It would be nice if I have a wooden house, and be away from all the drama I have in Louisville. My face fell as I remembered what had happened at Nathan's party and I sighed.

"What is it my little child? Why do you look so down?" The beautiful woman who I'll call Miss Angel from now on, said. I shrugged and stared at Miss Angel.

"I understand... You don't want to talk about it." Miss Angel said.

"I just... Wish I could know why life is this much hard for me." I frowned and sighed.

"You have problems at this age?" She chirped, and I nodded.

"Lots of problems actually." I mumbled, something was telling me it was safe to talk to this woman, and so I did. Maybe she'll understand even better than Rachel.

"There's this guy I like," I continued "and then Emma. Oh and my father doesn't talk about my mother with me at all, also I don't know why everything I do is a total mess. I'm-"

"My little child," Miss Angel interrupted me, "let's speak slowly shall we? Tell me about your problems one by one, now tell me about Emma. What has your friend done?" My friend? How does she know Emma's my friend? But instead of questioning Miss Angel I decided to trust her and tell her about my friend who happened to be not my friend at all.

"She... umm... thinks I'm trying to steal her boyfriend." I mumbled, crossing my arms over my chest, as if what I just said could be true. But well Emma thinks that's the truth.

"And her boyfriend is the guy you have a crush on?" Miss Angel asked.

"Yeah..." I answered, "I didn't know they're in a relationship, I swear. I just-"

"I know dear, I know." Miss angel said and shook her head, "Sometimes people are so selfish and arrogant that they mistake their own mistakes for yours."

"You know, you can't rely on these types of people. The selfish type I mean." She continued, "They want the best for themselves, but not for you. They want to be the best themselves, but not you. They want your time when they're in need of you, but they don't do the same for you. And they still expect you to be there for them after all what they do. These people are the most dangerous type. Because they think they're the best people on the planet, they think God has created only them, and he has created the world for them, but you know that's not true. God has created the world for all of us humans.

"My point is, Emma seems like a selfish person. You need to stay away from selfish people my little child, it's not your fault, you just liked a guy, and you didn't know he was your best friend's boyfriend, and you surely had no idea she had feelings for him. You shouldn't care too much about people who don't care about you, you need to only care about the people who love you for you, and whose emotions and feelings are very sincere towards you, do you understand me?"

I nodded my head furiously in yes. Feeling a little bit light hearted after what she told me. Whoever she was she sure knew how to make someone's mood lift. "Speaking of that guy, he sure is an unlucky fellow. He has feelings for a girl like Emma and not you." Miss Angel declared.

I giggled and stared at her beautiful eyes which were shining brighter than before, I felt warmness travel all my body from my chest. If that's even possible.

"You're still young, my little child." She continued, "You're only twenty two. There are millions of other men living on this earth. Your future lover doesn't have to be an American, you know. He could be Arabic, or German, Canadian, Persian or whatever. And he most certainly doesn't have to be Christian, be patient my child, love will come to you when you least expect it."

There it was again, the words which I hated the most.Love will come definitely not come when you least expect it, and even if it came, it most certainly won't stay if you don't make it stay.

"I know you're disappointed in my words," Miss Angel said with a sad smile, "they're not what you believe in. But believe me, it's the bitter truth. You'll know what I mean, when you'll meet your true love."

I frowned and shifted in my place uncomfortably. Did she say true love?

"I thought he's my true love." I muttered.

"You'll figure out soon, if he's your true love or not," She smiled and patted my shoulder gently. "I believe we talked enough about boys, didn't we? What was your next problem, dear?"

"My father. He doesn't want to get married," I started " and he doesn't talk about my mom. I don't understand what's wrong with him."

Miss Angel's face expression altered, a frown was present on her wide forehead, and her eyes looked rather sad, losing the shine in them. "I believe you should ask your father for the answer." Miss Angel said. Her voice sad.

"I did. He doesn't tell me anything." I said.

"Then it's not my place to give you any advice, if he doesn't want to tell you anything." She said and smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes. In fact it looked weird, not like a normal smile at all.

"I'm afraid I have to go, my little child." Miss Angel said "take care of yourself, and remember to stay away from selfish and negative people."

"Wait! I need to ask you more questions. Who are you? Where is this place? How do you know so much?" I exclaimed. But her beautiful features were a bit transparent, now that she was about to disappear.

"That doesn't matter my child." She said, but her voice sounded like an echo and not an actual human voice at all, "just remember what I said, and don't get too adapted to this place and wanting to see me, you still have a lot of things to do in life."


I groaned as I felt someone shaking me, I was aware that he or she was calling my name, but I was too sleepy to know who exactly the voice belonged to, or even to know if it's male or female.

"Jessie! Wake up!"

I opened one eye. Rachel's face was inches away from mine, I noticed my pillow was not actually a pillow, since it moved. So I figured I have slept on Rachel's lap, then I suddenly remembered my dream and I got up immediately. It was a dream! What a dream though!

"Seems like it was a weird dream, huh?" Rachel said.

"Yeah." I said stupidly, I was still thinking about the weird dream I had. But for some reason, I didn't tell Rachel about it. One of the reasons is; I knew damn well she's going to make fun of me and say it's all my own weird imagination. But it was so real. Even Miss Angel's touch felt so real. I wished for a second that it wasn't a dream, but reality. And I wished I meet her one day, well in my dream. I felt so safe with that woman, that I couldn't help but wish the dream didn't end so soon.

My Fake Boyfriend (Complete)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin