Urbosa: the Champion of Naboris

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After a single day of rest at the castle, it was back to the road again. This time Father took extreme caution. The Yiga Clan was mostly seen around Gerudo Desert which worried Father as I traveled there with my maids and the two different guards. I was ordered to ride in a carriage as we went.

While we traveled through rough terrain in Gerudo Canyon, I spent most of my time stitching up the design of Ruta on the shawl, or I suppose it could be a sash, that will be presented to Mipha. I have already finished Revali's scarf and Darku's belt (I would call it a sash, but I didn't think Darku would find the term appealing).

About halfway through the canyon, my maids and I heard the sound of a Moblin's horn. I closed my eyes as my stomach dropped. My maids panicked a little as they took my needle and thread from me, knowing that this bumpy trial was about to get even worse.

The pace of the carriage picked up, and though the shutters of the carriage were closed, we could still hear the whisk of arrows missing the carriage. Soon we heard one hit as we saw the dent its tip made in the wood. My maid closest to the dent almost fainted.

I gripped onto the blue fabric of my dress as we bounced around. We couldn't be that far from the gateway that led into the desert. We could make it.

After we hit some more rocks, making our heads hit the top of the carriage, things cooled down. I released the fabric of my dress, taking deep breaths with my maids. I was glad it was only a couple of Moblins versus the Yiga Clan.

When we got to the gateway, we stopped at the stables. There we dropped off the carriage. It would do us no good in the sand. The rest of this journey would be on the back of a horse. I suggested that perhaps we try sand seals, but my maids weren't as laid-back if it had just been the two guards. In truth, the only reason my maids were there was that the guards couldn't go into Gerudo Town because of a very ancient rule the Gerudo had. That being: no males.

Along our way across the desert, we took a short stop at Kara Kara Bazaar. The water was refreshing for all of us, considering we all wore thick clothes. Yet again, the guards had it the worst.

Once we were ready, we finally made it to our destination. From there, it was strictly my maids and me. The two guards took the horses and went back to the Bazaar for the night. We, ladies, would be staying inside Gerudo Town under the protection of Urbosa.

"Sav'saaba," one of the Gerudo guards said to us as we approached the stairs that led up to where Urbosa would be waiting for us.

"Sarqso," I said in thanks to her, "We are here to see Chief Urbosa."

She hit the end of her spear on the sand-colored stone while she gave a respectful nod. "You may proceed."

With my maids trailing me, heads downs, we walked into the throne room. Because of the fading light at her back, Urbosa looked magnificent as she sat proudly on her throne, guards at either side of her. I found it amazing how open they had made the throne room, but the view was well worth it.

I stopped mid-way in the room, curtsying to Urbosa before I spoke. "I have come to hear your answer in becoming the Champion over Naboris. We are in dire need of strong warriors such as yourself to command the Divine Beasts. I believe that only together as races can we conquer Calamity Ganon and the Yiga Clan."

Unlike all the other times I had spoken to her, she showed her rigorousness through her movements and tone of voice. It was quite a sight to behold, matching well with the setting sun behind her and six guards surrounding her. She wasn't a Gerudo you wanted to mess with, at least at that moment.

"Princess of Hyrule. I accept your proposition without hesitation. Not only are they planning to resurrect Calamity Ganon, it seems the Yiga Clan is also after our treasured heirloom." She glanced over at a stand next to her where a gold helm sat, and then her piercing green eyes looked dead into mine. "You have my word. I won't rest until the Calamity falls."

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