Embers of Twilight Final

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"Now! Let's go! Princess Zelda is waiting!" Midna said to Link.

Midna and Link had just defeated Zant. His life was ended by Midna as he sat on the very throne he stole from her. I could sense Midna's blood boiling inside her as she knew who to really blame. I also felt that her rage towards Ganondorf was more for my sake than anyone else's. It was so strange to know what her every thought truly was.

Link stepped inside the portal on the ground and they shortly reappeared outside of the palace. Midna's people were back to their original forms. Viewing the realm from Midna's eyes, I saw the realm in a different way. It really was a peaceful place despite the monochromatic colors. Yet, having saved her people, Midna still hid as a shadow in shame.

"So Ganondorf was just using Zant to help him return to the world of light . . . I guess now we know the true nature of that barrier over Hyrule Castle . . ." she paused, staring over the dim golden light coming from the Mirror of Twilight, "He's in Hyrule Castle, I'm sure of it."

I felt myself panic again. I knew already what consequences came with transferring my light to Midna, but I couldn't push aside the thought that Ganondorf had found my body. Somehow, that information came into Midna's mind. Sometimes I could whisper things to her if I tried hard enough.

"Princess Zelda is in grave danger! We must return to the world of light and hurry to the castle!" she exclaimed to Link, floating out in front of him. Her expression was full of worry.

Link gave a firm nod before he dashed to the Mirror of Twilight. Midna hid in his shadow as they left for the world of light. Once they arrived, Midna wasted no time in warping them right outside of Castle Town. Again Link ran forward. He dodged the swarm of people coming from the opposite direction. He caught his breath when he made it to the fountain in the center. Going around it, he headed through the giant double doors that led to the castle grounds.

No guards were in sight as he approached the magic barrier. I hoped that there were no servants or knights trapped inside. If Ganondorf was in there, he'd be sure to have all the monsters he could get to scour the grounds.

Midna popped out of Link's shadow, appearing in her physical form. Link watched as she brought out the Fused Shadows. Midna secretly shivered as the pieces hovered around her. She had used a portion of magic from the Fused Shadows to kill Zant. She wasn't sure if she would be able to control it. I had faith in her, and I whispered my assurance just as the pieces clamped around her.

She was thrown into one of the pillars and continued to be tossed back and forth. I felt the pain she felt and the fear. Desperately, she tried to contain it, but her reward only got her thrown over the wall.

Midna, I said to her, You are strong enough. You aren't alone. Let me help.

"Zelda?" she questioned, clearly confused.

Suddenly Midna was raised up. The Fused Shadows had transformed her into a seven-legged creature. For a split second, I heard her thoughts of destroying the town, but then the destruction was directed toward the barrier as planned. She leaped through the air, landing down on the barrier. A large spear appeared as she quickly wrapped one of her jellified legs around it and then pierced the tip into the barrier. It shattered in a blinding light as Midna fell down with it, blacking out as she did.

When she gained consciousness again, she opened her eyes to find Link holding her in his arms. Even I could feel his warmth as he smiled down at her in relief. He then looked up at the path now cleared thanks to her. Her gaze followed, cold rain landing down on top of them.

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