The Dream

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Darkness consumed me from every corner of my dream. It looked as if I was in a massive room, but I couldn't move. A monstrous noise echoed around me. I tried to run, only falling to my knees and crawling to nowhere. I thought perhaps that it wasn't that the room was small, but maybe it was actually endless. There was no forward or backward, up or down. Just me and sound of a beast.

Giving up, I stayed where I was—if I had moved at all. Suddenly I felt the wind whip my hair back. The sound of the beast was louder than before, probably the cause of the gust of air from its exhaling. I shut my eyes, which made no difference at all. Then I began to remind myself it was all a dream. That it was fake.

Then a burst of golden blinding light appeared in the darkness. I turned to it, raising one hand above my eyes. In the middle of the light was a beautiful woman. I assumed right away that she was either a fairy or a goddess.

She was adorned in a white dress with a purple ribbon strung in her fair hair. On her head was a crown of jewels. Her complexion was a perfect light. Her eyes were a piercing blue.

I watched as her lips started to move, speaking to me. Getting to my feet, I tried to listen harder, but her words were far from me. Based on the look in her eyes, I knew what she was trying to tell me was urgent, yet I couldn't hear her voice. The haunting sounds of the beast echoed in my mind.

I let out a scream, sitting upright in bed as Link bolted into the room. Cold sweat poured down my face along with a single tear. My hands were trembling as I used them to cover my face.

"What did she want? What was it? Why couldn't I hear her? Is it because I haven't awoken the power!" I asked myself aloud.

I dropped my hands from my face, my eyes shut tight. I hugged my arms around me as I rocked myself back a forth, shivering.

An extra blanket was put over me, and then I was brought into Link's arms. My cries slowed as he began to sway the two of us while his thumb stroked the back of my head. My breaths began to ease. I wondered what inclined him to sign up for babysitting the princess, who woke up in the middle of the night because she couldn't handle her own dreams.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, backing away so I could see his face, "Perhaps we should just head out for the Spring of Power early?"

He nodded, standing up. His hand took hold of mine, helping me out of the covers. I thanked him before I instructed him to go get our horses ready. I wanted to leave as soon as possible. If that dream was reflecting my failure to hear the voices, then I wanted to wake them up inside my mind.

Once I was dressed in my white gown, I wrote in my journal until Link returned. Right as I heard him walk through the door, I got to my feet and went out.

Together we walked down the corridors and outside to the stables. I bit my lip as I put my arms around my shoulders. That was where laziness got me. I could have been in my traveling clothes, but I didn't want to change again once we got to the spring.

Being the kind person he was, Link got out his own blue hood. He put it on me, placing the hood up on my head as well. I smiled, grateful to him.

We mounted our horses and set off to the Spring of Power. When we got there, the moon shone brightly as it made its descent to the horizon. It was still a bit chilly, but I handed over Link's hood as I entered the waters. Link faced the entrance of the spring, keeping an open eye out.

"I come seeking help, regarding the power that has been handed down over time. Prayer will awaken my power to seal Ganon away . . . Or so I've been told all my life."

I paused thinking back to the dream. How many times have I visited the springs since I was of the age of six? Or even in just one single year? If praying was the true answer, I didn't understand why I hadn't felt anything.

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