I'd Take You Home

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Quesoftheday: Recent favourite song(s) you can't stop listening to?

A butterfly, when a green butterfly with yellow dots on its wings is the first thing to see in the morning, a wide smile has to occur. I close my eyes and open it again when the butterfly flies out of the big window, yawning and then squeaking at the next moment when a painful flinch passes down my spine. I sit up on the couch crossing my legs and complete my long morning yawn successfully this time.

I look around to take a view of the big house I’ve passed the night yesterday, Louis’ house. Even if you don’t know whose house is this, by the whole house painted as off white and crimson, you can easily tell Louis lives here. I walk towards the big glassed door and open it, letting the warm morning light hit my face.

Hearing someone’s footsteps behind me, I turn around with a smile but an unwanted weird sound leaves my lips watching the person in black adidas T-shirt on front of me. A pair of white socks is covering his feet and he’s making his cute messy hair look cuter by rubbing the back of his head.

“Good morning.” I break the silence at last, making him to look at me with his faded blue eyes.

“Morning.” he clears his throat before his face turns into a serious expression. “You can get shower and get ready for office in this room.” He tells not looking at me, pointing to a room. “I’d tell my driver to leave you at your office.”

My lips apart and the corner of my lips twists hearing him. I dragged him down all the way to his home and slept sitting on the couch in his drawing hall and now my back hurts. All he has to do me a great favor by sending me to my work? Way to go Reen, gain some shame!

“I’d go back to my home to get ready and go to work from there driving by my own.” I smile hiding my frown and he surprises me by nodding.

What the hell? I shrug my shoulders before turning around and sticking up my tongue. I expect him to stop me from behind but I forgot life is not fictional, it’s reality Reen.

“Can I pop this up? Please? I’ll pay!” I coo looking at the girl who was holding balloons with some sort of baby products name written on it.
“It’s for the promo of our new baby food and we’re giving everyone. You don’t have to pay pretty.” The blonde girl flashes me a big smile and passes me a red balloon.



I do a little victory jump in my hand closing my eyes when I hear his voice behind me. I clear my throat and manage to mask my expression with a serious look before turning around.

“Oh nothing I thought maybe you left your…………..your erm………..something! Never mind.” The corner of my lips turns into a fair smirk when he looks down.

I look up at him and see him staring at his moving legs, his hands tucked inside his pocket. One part of me wants to run my fingers in his light brown messy hair and tell him that how he cute he’s and the other part of me wants to lock this shy Louis in a French kiss.

“We…………..there’s a Starbucks nearby.” He shrugs his shoulders looking at me, his eyebrow slightly arched.

“And?” I decide to tease him because watching him struggling to express his emotions is the cutest thing I’d ever discover in my life.

He frowns and rolls his eyes at the same time. I keep standing there with my arms crossed over my chest, the frontal part of my hair brushing the crook of my neck. He walks fast towards me and opens and closes his mouth twice before taking a long breathe.

“Oh damn for Christ's sake woman can we just go to Starbucks or anywhere and find something suitable for breakfast before I drop you to your goddamn office?” He mutters looking straight into my eyes this time.

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