Special Chapter 28.1

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I wrote this chapter last year before Christmas and I was going to add it, but my phone broke down and everything I had written there was gone (I cried, A LOT). But I'm the laziest person in the world and I didn't want to write it again xD But! Somehow I've managed to fix my phone and retrieved all data some time ago.

This chapter does not have a huge impact on the main plot, therefore I didn't add it as a normal chapter, only as a special one. This is an event that took place before All Might became a tutor of our wonderful reader-chan ///^u^/// You can consider this chapter as a filler xD At the moment I have no ideas for the main plot. I hope it will change soon xD If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. If I won't come up with something better, maybe I will use yours and ofc give you the credits :))

I hope you will like this chapter  xD


PS: There is also one more thing I would like to know. What do you think about the whole story? Is it good? What is missing? Is there anything that you would like me to change? If so, let me know. I will accept any opinion whether it's good or bad. After all, that's what it's all about, every opinion is important :)

Now let's move to the proper story xD


You jumped out of your bed, feeling tears running down your face. There weren't many of them, just a few drops, completely meaningless. But was it so? You had a strange feeling that something was wrong, that something was missing. That there was something ... what you should remember. However, you couldn't find out what, and if that was the case, you decided that it wasn't important.

You yawned widely and while rubbing your eyes, you glanced at the screen of your phone. You sighed quietly, noticing that it wasn't even four am. You got shivers when you realized you managed to wake up at 3.33 am. Anyway, that was the hour when you glanced at your phone, in fact, you woke up a few minutes before. Devil's hour, huh?, you thought, wincing at that thought. You have never really believed in demons, but because of all the horror movies you've seen so far, you couldn't get rid of that feeling of anxiety when you were alone or when you woke up in the middle of the night. But what is there to be afraid of? Demons do not exist, and even if they do, hey, you're a superhero. Kicking one's ass wouldn't be a big challenge for you.

But, well... the truth is that the monsters really do exist, but they are not some mythical creatures. It's humans that are monsters. Villains who hurt others and use their Quirks to do so. People create demons by themselves, people become monsters. And superheroes have to fight them. Superheroes like All Might, such as teachers in your school. Also people like you and your classmates.

You shook your head, wondering why you had such thoughts in the middle of the night. And it all started with the stupid fear of monsters from the wardrobe or from under the bed. You sat down, thinking about the moment when you woke up. What caused it? Bad dream? You had the impression that someone had inefficiently cast a memory-erasing spell on you, you felt that you were dreaming about something, but you couldn't remember anything specific. Just some glimpses. Forest. Clearing. Lake. And ... All Might? Annoyed that you couldn't put those pieces together, you waved it off and fell on your pillows, getting ready to sleep again. It's not been even a moment when you've completely drifted away.

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