Special Chapter 28.2

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Sometime later:

Bugs. Bugs everywhere. Flying, squirming, creating webs, just waiting to bump into you, under your clothes, into your hair. Bugs! You hated them! Why something so hideous exists? And also mosquitoes. Nasty, flying creatures sucking the blood out of you, and when they've had enough, the place they stung itched like hell. You stopped counting bubbles on your legs a long time ago. Even the long sleeves of your shirt did not help. Those cunning beasts, even through your clothing, drank from you like from a glass.

You shuddered when once again you almost walked into a spider web. Spiders. Other beasts. Other nasty creatures, which with patience waited for their victim who would fall into their trap. Fortunately, spiders weren't the size of a man. At least you didn't have to be afraid that one of them would eat you.

Clues left by All Might said clearly: three things that are somehow connected to the UA Academy hidden in small boxes somewhere in the woods around the lake. Each group received a small map of that place and three small cards, on which were written hints about the boxes that you had to find. The first of them was located north-east of the base camp, under the tree with "blinking lights". What? What was that supposed to mean? An allegory? The second one was hidden in a place "where you can have a problem to get in" somewhere in the south-west. That one was simple, it had to be somewhere high. Certainly on a tree or on a high rock. And the third box was placed there "where the bird flies with a branch in its beak" in the northern part of the forest. One hundred percent it was a nest. The third thing was hidden there for sure. But too bad that this place was full of trees and lots of nests. It's a forest after all. You began to wonder if anyone could find anything at all. Well, Midnight-sensei didn't say exactly what would happen if you won't find anything. It was possible that nothing or maybe everyone will have to run around the lake. The second option gave you goosebumps.

"Does anyone else have this strange feeling that these clues are not very helpful-kero?" Said Asui-san, looking around. You and Uraraka-san sighed softly while nodding.

"I think that All Might-sensei probably wrote them without thinking it over." You said, also glancing at every tree or stone.

"I wouldn't be surprised. He had only fifteen minutes to hide those things." Added Uraraka-san.

"Okay, I think... we should focus just on one of them, we do not have a chance to find all three." You said, holding the clues in your hands. "So? Which one do we choose?"

"I think this one with a nest-kero. The rest is too ambiguous." Asui-san replied, rubbing her forehead with the back of her hand. You looked at Uraraka-san questioningly, who took a bottle of water from her bag and nodded her head. You crossed your arms over your chest, staring blankly at a tree in front of you. You began to wonder if this was a good idea. ''Is something wrong, (L/N)-san?"

You muttered softly under your breath, without taking your eyes off the tree.

"I think... we should choose the hardest one." You said after a long pause, moving your eyes to your classmates. After hearing your words, their faces changed diametrically. They were surprised by your answer.

''The hardest o-one-kero? Are you sure, (L/N)-san?" Asked Asui-san, wincing when she spoke. You nodded.

''I think I know what (L/N)-san meant. Everyone will choose the easiest one." Uraraka-san interrupted. You looked at her a bit surprised that only she managed to get what you just said. ''All students probably think the same as us. Why bother to find all three things when just one is enough?"

''Exactly. All you need is just one, the one that is the easiest to find. Everyone would start with the easiest one. Who would be that stupid to start searching for the most complicated of all three? If you have no idea what you are looking for and where exactly to look for, it can take you the most of your time and possibly you will never find it." You explained carefully, trying to use the best words.

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