Chapter 12

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I leaned against the window of the plane. We were almost there and my morning sickness had returned.

"You alight?" Jeremy asked.

"Its my morning sickness I'll be Fine." I said.

I grabbed Jeremy's arm and pulled him close so I could whisper in his ear.

"Queen Bee has a way of controlling men. Be careful." I whispered.

Jeremy looked confused. I reached into my bag and took a patch out of my bag and when he wasn't looking I put it on his neck. The patch would keep Queen Bee or Psymon out of his head while in Bialya. I unforcently had only one patch so if Psymon or Hivemind discovered Phoenix was in Bialya. I was in trouble, hopefully may training with Dick to keep them

When the plane landed I made a dash for the bathroom and threw up. I took one of the pills and It kept the food in my stomach. I cleaned myself up and we went through customs and got our passports stamped.

I let out a sigh of relief when we were in the country. We got to our hotel room and took out my bug detector. I scanned the room and it was clean. I went into the bathroom and separated my toiletries from my gadgets. I put the gadgets in my utility belt. And then went through my night routine.

"Hey Jeremy, I was gonna go get something to eat." I said.

"Alright I'll come with you." Jeremy said.

We found somewhere to eat and got dinner. I excused myself from the table and went to the bathroom.

"Phoenix to Nightwing, I'm in Bialya." I whispered.

"Great, remember low profile." Dick Said.

"I will," I said.

I went back to the table and our food was there. We ate then went back to the room.

I went to sleep and it wasn't long before the hotel was shaken from the last of a nearby bomb.

"Watch tower, any information of that bombing? Do I need to assist?" I whispered.

Jeremy was still asleep.

"There are people trapped inside, authorities won't assist. Go and be careful." Ollie said over the com.

"Thanks dad, I mean Oliver." I Said.

I threw the covers off me and grabbed my suit and utility belt. I climbed out the window and scaled down the building. I ran through the shadows to the building. I put a breathing mask on And ran inside. The smoke stung my eyes, but I soon got used to it.

I found a Bialyan family trapped. They seemed terrified.

"Don't worry I'm going to help you." I said in their native tongue.

I got them out of the building and then went looking for more. I found a young girl and two twin boys. They stayed with the family as I went back in.

I successfully pulled a total of twelve people from the building. I disappeared before anyone could talk to me.

I climbed into my hotel room and took a shower.

"Anastasia, why are you showering?" I heard Jeremy asked.

"I threw up on myself." I lied.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"I'm fine." I said.

I finished showering and I stashed my suit before grabbed a towel.

"Hey Jeremy can you hand me my bag?" I asked as I poked my head out of the door.

Phoenix (Nightwing X OC) #3Where stories live. Discover now