Chapter 29

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I laid on the couch in Lois and Clark's living room looking through all the photos I had taken over my years as a photographer on my laptop.

"Whatcha looking at?" Jonathan asked.

"Just looking at my pictures, would you like to look at them?" I asked as I sat up.

"Sure," Jonathan sat next to me.

I opened the earliest document. The photos were from my first day as a photojournalist in Gotham.

"This was my first day on the job, I was constantly taking pictures. I was loving every minute of it. That's was my  partner Jeremy. He was so nice. he's a good friends and an amazing writer." I said.

The next morning, Sugar came into the work room. He went up to Clark,

"excuse me, Mr. Kent, I have a story that I think you would be interested in." He said.

"Alright tell me about it." Clark said.

"I was held captive for three months by Nightingale." He said.

I shivered when I heard that name.  I instantly started sinking down in my chair to avoid being noticed.

"That was almost four years ago, why come out now?" Clark asked.

"I was scared she would come back." Sugar said.

"Zodiac commited suicide, took a nose dive off a building in Gotham and she took Nightingale with her." I said.

Sugar stared at me. "Would you like to talk in private?" Clark asked.

"I've actually got to go, I took my lunch break to come uptown to talk to you." Sugar took out a business card and gave it to Clark.

"Come by when you can and I can give you the entire account." Sugar said.

"I will, and I'll bring my photojournalist, Anastasia." Clark motioned to me.

"I'll be waiting." Sugar said then left.

"You held him hostage?" Clark hissed.

"He was my personal tattoo artist. And Lex kept him in a luxurious bunker, it wasn't like we were keeping him in a warehouse chained to a wall." I said.

"And you were working with Lex?"

"Where do you think I got the knife and necklace?" I asked.

"Good point," Clark said.

Later after work we went to Sugar's New tattoo parlor called Sugar's Tattoos.

Clark and I went in and Sugar was finishing up a guy's tattoo.

"I'll be with you two in a moment." Sugar said.

"Would it be weird if I got a tattoo?" I asked Clark.

"Sure, he is your personal tattoo artist." Clark teased.

"Don't say that, I don't want to remember Nightingale." I whispered.

Sugar finished up and the guy paid and left.

"I'd actually like to add a tattoo I already have." I said.

"Alright we can do the interview while I work." Sugar said.

"what can I get you?" He asked.

"A Robin on my collar bone." I said. Sugar gave me a weird look and then drew a little robin out and showed it to me.

"Looks great." I said.

"Well follow me," he said.

He took me to a chair and I took my necklace off and unbuttoned my shirt as I took my arm out of my shirt so he could tattoo my collarbone.

"I know these tattoos, these are Nightingale's," he gave me a quizzitive look.

"Hey Sugar," I smiled.

"What are you doing?" He asked as he backed away.

"I'm at work, I mean being a superhero doesn't pay the bills." I said.

"Well it's good to hear you're doing good again." He said as he got closer.

"Ya and its Zodiac," I said. Clark did his interview with Sugar as he did the little Robin.

When we finished we went back to his apartment.

"I don't get it," Clark said.

"What?" I asked.

"You got all your tattoos while you were Nightingale. yet you still add to them."

"I only add robins. Each robin is for my family. The biggest one is Dick, and the three others are our children." I said.

"That makes since, Dick was the first Robin." Clark said.

"It's funny, while I was brainwashed by Ivy and the Joker. I remember some of my memories and knowledge from being Zodiac but when it came to identities, it was a fuzz. I could see the face but I didn't know the name." I Said.

"Interesting," Clark Said.

We got back to the Planet and Clark wrote the article. The next day it hit the street and Sugar's business increased dramatically.

A/n: hope you enjoyed this chapter.
- Zodiac

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