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I was in and out of it these days.

This court case was TOMORROW.

So that means what has Janet been doing?


Bethany was still bullshitting me on a story and she wasn't budging.

Almost like she wanted to serve the time.

In a way, I felt like whatever she was keeping from me, was dark.

It had to be, or else she would have told me.

Yet, it still was just not clicking. Why would she Wait last minute? It was almost as if she was hiding something from me.

I closed the files that I had been engulfed in once I heard the door bell ring.

When I walked up to it, it was a package sitting on my porch. I opened the door and stared at it.

Since when did UPS ring doorbells?

"Beth!" I called up the stairs.

After a few seconds she yelled back. "Yeah?"

"You ordered something?"

"Hold on, here I come! I can't hear you!" I heard her footsteps approaching and soon she emerged from the stairs. "What did you say?"

I pointed at the package. "Did you order something?"

She shook her head. "Nah."

We both looked at it and then I stepped back inside and closed the door.

"Welp, oh well." I let it go as I walked back into the living room.

"You not gone open it?" Bethany asked me as she went back and opened the door.

"And blow the hell up? Hell no." I responded.

When Bethany heard my response she closed the door quickly and nodded my way. "You right. You right."

I opened the files back up as I spoke. "I mean free packages don't just show up at your front porch. Plus this case just hit the news, I'll be damned if I'm next to go out. Matter fact call Gil, he can open it."

Bethany agreed. "Okay, I'll call. Whatcha looking at?"

"Can you just call Gil?" I asked her annoyed.

She rolled her eyes. "Fine, by the way you need to get over it."

I made a face at her. Tensions have been high between us here lately. She won't budge on telling me what happened, and quite frankly I'm at the point where I just don't give a damn about how this case goes.

"Okay Inmate 3165, I'll get over it real soon." I snapped at her.

Bethany fell to no verbal response but instead stomped up the stairs like a child.

Something began clicking for me.

The crime scene initiated self defense. Two stab wounds, one to the chest and stomach.

See, but what initiated murder was the slash through his hand, almost like he tried to stop Bethany from stabbing him.

He was already dying, yet she let him have a shot to the chest?

What the hell happened that night?

I had absolutely no arguments for this case and one thing I hated was being unprepared.

Bethany came back down the steps, but I didn't really pay her any mind because I was trying to piece together what I believed happened.

"You couldn't have been by yourself." I announced to her all of a sudden and her head shot up at me.

The Innocent Woman [Janet FanFic]Where stories live. Discover now