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"That's set BT, I got what I needed

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"That's set BT, I got what I needed." The photographer told me and I nodded and walked over to where Whitley was standing.

She smiled at me. "I see you repping the Calvin and stuff."

Usually I would laugh but my minds been clouded since 3 mornings ago.

Whitley frowned at me. "What's wrong?"

"I can't do this." I mumbled to her.

"Do what?"

"Janet. I can't do this. I can't do this." I kept repeating the same phrase because it was all that circulating inside of my head.

"Bethany, what happened?" Whit asked me as I grabbed my sweat pants and put them on.

"She cheated on me. Slept with her ex, Tika." I informed my best friend. "And I can't do this."

"Wait, how do you know she cheated?"

"She got caught up, but after a while she told me."

"And what did you do?" Whit asked me worried.

"Nothing." I mumbled back. "Never did or said anything to Tommy. What's the difference now?"

"No." Whitley shook her head. "She's not Tommy. I've only met her once but that woman don't come off nothing like Tommy Renfro to me. Don't compare the two. Seriously, don't. All it's going to do is make you doubt your love for the woman."

"Too late." I told her. "You are 3 days too late. I've been doubting that woman for 72 hours straight. It's different because I wasn't expecting it. With Tommy, I saw shit coming, but JJ was supposed to be different. Proved me all types of wrong."

"Bethany, so what are you going to do?" My best friend asked me.

"Be single. Cause she's no different than Tommy." I responded monotoned.

"She's different." I looked away from Whitley and down at my phone. "Bethany! She's different."

My best friend trying to convince me wasn't helping at all. "Whatever Whitley."

"Don't whatever me, and don't say my name like I'm irritating you. Bitch, you irritating me. Stop second guessing your choices. She's a good woman, but you need to express the fact that one of your insecurities is being cheated on."

When I looked at Whitley, she wore a face of frustration. "What do you want me to say?"

"Why are you so damn stubborn?"

"I get it from my momma." I hummed out.

"Okay, and while you were over there taking pictures, Janet called and I invited her over here."

"What?!" I screamed out of surprise. "Why are you so damn sneaky?"

"I get it from my momma." Whitley quoted my earlier response.

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