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I couldn't stop laughing with that gun pointed at James

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I couldn't stop laughing with that gun pointed at James. Honestly, my mother was showing me why I was crazy and I was living for it.

Janet looked at me like I was crazy. "What the hell is funny?"

"This is." I wiped the tears that were falling from my eyes as I held my stomach. "My stomach hurts."

Tika had long and sat back down. I knew she was scared out of her mind by her facial expression.

James was sweating bullets, had even grown some hair on his scalp, mind you this nigga is bald.

"Why so quiet James?" Judy asked with her head tilted.

"Say something to her." Janet mumbled my way.

I pouted. "Do I have to? I'm enjoying this."

JJ gave me a look and I knew I had no choice.

"Mama... you gotta put the gun down." I slowly walked her way as I spoke. "It's not worth it, I know it seems like you have nothing to lose, but it's not worth it. Think this through, your license is at stake. You're a federal judge for Christ Sake."

My mother looked from me to James and finally she sighed.

She let out a shot and I jumped and closed my eyes on instinct.

"Shit!" Tika cursed.

I opened my eyes and saw that James was patting his body down. He wasn't shot but instead there was a bullet hole in the wall next to him.

The kids came running in. Nadia asked panicking. "Did she shoot him?!"

We all looked at the kids. "Kids please go back to the room. Everything's all right." Janet assured them.

My mother let me grab the gun from her and she shook her head harshly. "Get out of my house."

James tried to speak. "Judy—."

"Get out! Everyone just leave!" My mom snapped and she didn't have to tell Tika to leave twice.

She jolted out of the house and James wack self followed.

Janet stood still. "Should we leave?"

My mother had disappeared to her room and I knew the last thing she wanted to do right now was to talk.

I nodded slowly. "Yeah, let's give her some time."

I uncocked the gun and took the bullets out. Once I did I sat the gun on the table.

"What are you doing?" JJ asked me as the kids grabbed their coats.

"Don't want her to get any ideas in the night time. Lord knows how many times I did. It'd be 4 am and I'd wanna slit that mans throat."

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