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Ha. Double Update Wazooo! 🤪


When I got home from work I was met with silence. I was beyond tired and not to mention stressed out.

It was only 10 pm so I knew something was off. I went upstairs and checked on Nadia. She was sleep.

When I made it to my bedroom I tuned into the sound of shower water running. Still, I could make out small sniffles.

Knowing it was Bethany, I opened the door and went into the restroom. I knew she was in a emotional state, if she was in my bathroom.

She sat on the floor of my bathroom as she cried with her knees pulled into her body.

She hadn't realized my presence until I moved her up and sat behind her. I wrapped my arms around her and she broke down even more.

"I didn't mean to cry." She told me as she wiped her tears. "I didn't think you'd hear me in here."

"I can see that, using the shower water to distract me, but you're fine." I assured her. "You need to let it out. So talk."

"My whole life has been a lie." She mumbled out to me. "How do I just move on from that? My whole life has been a lie."

I took a deep breath as the water provided a soothing sound in the room. "You're still you Beth. Nothings going to change who you are and the person you've become. I know it hurts, but you have to look at it from the bright side. Yes, your childhood may not have consisted of having your birth mother, but your adulthood can. Love her now. Build something with her now. You've got nothing but time."

Bethany turned and looked at me before closing her eyes and leaning further into me. "I feel like I deserve this. I've been a asshole my entire life. This is just karma paying me a visit right?"

"No." I quickly declined. "Sometimes things happen in life and we want to understand why. So we question it because we don't understand it. When it comes to that point Beth, I want you to always remember this. Never put a question mark, where God puts a period."

"What does that even mean Janet?" I knew she was confused, but I had no problem clarifying with her.

"Never question God. He does things for a reason and sometimes we feel like he's put to much on us, but the true warriors get the most tasks. You're warrior babe, don't let the Devil win."

Beth chuckled through her tears. "You're Christian?"

"What's wrong with being a Christian?" I asked her while I made a face but she couldn't see it with her back turned to me.

"Nothing!" She quickly elaborated as she giggled. "Just surprising since you lie for a living."

"Hey." I called out warningly. "Lawyers can be saved too. What about you?"

She shrugged. "I'm black."

"You know that's not what I'm asking you."

Beth looked at me once again before sighing. "I don't know what I am anymore. My mother was never the holy and sanctified person. We rarely went to church. Especially when I got with Tommy, just felt like my faith crumbled right in front of me."

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