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We walked up to the house doors.

Gil sighed as he used a pocket knife to cut through the yellow tape.

He looked back at us. "Look, we can go in. It's already been sealed. They found no further evidence. We go in, you explain exactly what happened and we get the camera footage and go."

Bethany had been quiet this whole morning.

I turned to her as Gil put the key in the door. "You don't have to do this. We can come back a later day."

"Courts tomorrow Janet." She responded lowly. "There is no later day."

That was another thing, 'Janet' was now a reoccurring thing.

Probably because we hadn't had a discussion about how we left things. I was just so angry, that I said things I didn't mean.

However, I knew that this was not the time.

Gil opened the door and Bethany walked in front of us as she entered.

She stopped once she got into the living room and pointed to the floor. "I came down the stairs again after— uh after Nadia stabbed him again and I paced. The blood right there is from the dress I had on. It stained the carpet when I took it off."

Bethany took a deep breath as she began to climb the steps. She studied a portrait of her and Tommy and Nadia on the way up.

Gil broke the silence. "No offense but Nadia doesn't look nothing like Tommy. That man is brown skin and that little girl is light skin."

Bethany looked at Gil. "Never said that Tommy was Nadia's father. He just portrayed the role."

She went upstairs and Gil and I shared a look.

"What if the camera footage isn't here?" I asked Gil.

Gil rolled his eyes. "I don't know, shit. How you kill someone and not get the footage of the murder? She could have been grabbed it. Just a dummy move in my opinion."

"What's up with your attitude right now?"

"I'm over this whole situation. She's a bullshitter at its finest and I don't have time. I was nice yesterday cause Princess Nadia was here, but I ain't forgot that she stood in my face and lied to me Dunk."

Gil had a point, but still, I could see Bethany's dilemma in this situation.

I mean, of course I didn't see much logic in it at first, but after thinking on it yesterday night... I found logic in it.

If she would have told the truth, Nadia would have been brought up. Which Bethany didn't want to happen at all.

Instead of answering, I instead walked up the steps and Gil followed.

We found Bethany in a large room. She was clearly staring at something, but when she saw us come in she quickly diverted her attention elsewhere.

"Uh, he was right here when Nadia stabbed him." She pointed to the wall and then the floor. "He fell right here by the closet door."

Gil and I took note of everything, I could really care less for this hands on explanation.

I just wanted to make sure we had the footage and nobody else got their hands on it, like the D.A.

She went into the closet and pointed at the safe that sat there. "The gun was in here. Why's the safe still here?"

Gil answered her question. "We couldn't open it, plus why open it when we thought we had a murder weapon and a suspect."

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