Chapter 17

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A Little Hint

"You seem a little occupied right now, what's wrong?"

The next following days, Caius has been very busy with work. He was always being called to the hospital to some rounds and he had this patient that is on monitor.

So he would leave by morning at eight then be home by seven. But sometimes later then that. He has been driving back and forth from Crimson to Anderson City and they are like an hour and a half drive so he has been really tired.

But our status maintain the same. We walk talk, ask about what happened the day and then that's it. But he barely gets cold towards me so that is something that I'm happy about.

He barely shuts me out already. But I still haven't feel that comfortable. I always have this heavy thing inside my chest that I can't understand why. It is like I'm still doubting something when it comes to my husband. Well, it is obvious that all he did is work but will it always be like this? When is the train gonna roll on?

"I have a lot of work to do right now at the hospital." Caius says, inhaling deeply as we eat breakfast together. "I have very stubborn patient that doesn't want to get operated and his stupid ass wife is not even helping."

Woah, that's harsh.

" the surgery risky?"

"Yes, but I can assure them that the operation will work out just far. I never failed and never will." He stated, confidently.

"Like you did to my hip." I quietly replied, while chewing my apple. "And by the way, I want to ask you a favour."

His eyebrows immediately touched as he turns to me. "A favour? What?"

"Will you let me go out? I'm getting bored just staying here in the house. All I have been doing stare at everyone while they work." I let out a weak laugh at the end. "I promise not to go far or anything. Just gonna shop and eat out."

"Alright, but please bring the driver with you so I can assure that you will be back here safe." He said before standing up. He is already finished eating. "Just make sure to answer when I'm calling you. Don't text me, I hate that."

Yep, one thing I learned from Caius is that he hates typing on his phone especially if it is a text message. He likes it much better if it is a call because he said it is more convenient and surely understands what is happening.

"Be home before dinner. I will be here by then." He said before getting his coat that was hanging  on the couch then turns to leave the house.

"I will see you later then." I whispered to myself then stands up as well. The maids starts to cleanup the table once I'm done then I head towards the room to take a bath and to get ready.

When I was already at the mall, I was just window shopping the whole time. I just don't feel buying a lot of stuffs knowing that the money that I am using is not earned by me. But before, I am practically living in a mall with Lau.

And now, I'm just walking around, checking various of things and gawking horribly at couples with major PDA moments.

But suddenly while eating a hotdog sandwich that I just bought, I saw Phoenix alone, sitting on a bench near the fountain of the ground floor of the mall.

He is looking down on a book and seems to be in seriously reading it. Great, now he and Caius had so much a like.

Slowly, I approached him without hesitation. "Hi." I greeted.

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