Chapter 15

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I want to give a HUGE thanks to @Yuesarutobi for helping me a lot with this chapter! She's such a cool person! Please go check out her stories they're really good!

Might be a bit of steamy stuff later in the chapter ;) Just a warning xD! Enjoy x


Jessica's POV

I woke up with a headache and I felt slightly nauseous, my stomach twisting and turning uncomfortably. Suddenly, I felt a rush of heat overtake my body. My body felt hot. Too hot. It felt like there was a fire directly above me, sweat beginning to pool between my thighs and under my armpits.

I threw the suddenly heavy covers off me and stumble out of the bed. I fan myself with my hands as the heat begins to make me feel lightheaded as I try to search for a window to let a breeze in. I locate the small window and open it but the air that comes in does nothing to ease the burn. My tongue falls out of my mouth and I pant like a dog. The burn was so overpowering and painful, it was causing pained whimpers leave my lips. I began to pace my room, wondering what the fuck I was feeling right not. A surge of heat fills my body, pain following closely behind eliciting a scream from me.

I move towards my door and walk through, trying to find Zander, or at least someone who would be able to explain to me what was going on. I begin to wander down the hallways, wiping the sweat appearing on my face. I seem to take the wrong turn as I end up in the living room. I glance around looking for Zander when I hear a groan. I turn towards the noise and notice a group of males standing a few feet from me, their eyes dark and trained on me. I watch as they sniff the air, and they growl and begin to advance on me.

Uh oh. 

I don't waste another second and spin on my heel, running away from them, my heart pumping viciously against my chest as I hear the thundering footsteps make their way towards me. I turn around and continue running towards Zander's room as that was the only place I could remember in this confusing pack house. When I reach, I pull the door open and shut the door after me, pressing my back against the door, sighing in relief closing my eyes.

I could still hear their growls behind the door, shaking me to the core. Who took a shit in their cereal?

I peel my eyes open, looking at Zander who was staring intensely at me. I could feel myself flush under his stare. A book lay on his chest, and a pair of glasses were sat upon his nose. Wasn't he adorable?

As I stood in front of him, I moved around as heat was making me itch uncomfortably and he watched my movements, intrigued.

"It seems you started your heat." Zander spoke with an indifferent tone. I felt my eyes open in surprise. It was crazy, I had heard of a heat, but didn't really know much about them. I guess that's what happens when you sleep during your Sex Ed classes. But from what I knew, unmated males were attracted to the scent of the woman in heat. Was Zander mated...? I highly doubt it, the way his eyes watched me made me think he wasn't mated.

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