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I screamed as loud I could....until I felt a pair of warm hands wrapped around me. I hugged Jimin oppa as soon as he locked his hands around my body.

I hugged him tightly...but..HE BROKE?!!?!?! I wanted to stay in his warm and soft hug rather than being scared in the dark. After he pulled back, he whispered in my ear.....

"Wait...I will just check the Fuse Box and come....1 minute."

He left me there alone.

*After 1 minute and 25 seconds*

I felt someone unlocking the main door....probably the members had come back from shopping. I could here everyone talking....

"Urgh....why is it so dark in here? Did the lights go off? Jimin!!Where are you? Y/N??!"

I got up from the couch and on the phone torch. I made my way to them and helped them with the bags.

"Y/N....Where is Jimin?"

"Oh...the lights had gone off so he went to check the Fuse Box. He is taking a long time, isn't he? He asked me to wait but still he didn't come." - I informed them.

When I said that, Jimin oppa shouted from the Store room.....

" Namjoon Hyung? Are you home? Can you come and help me find out this thing?"


Namjoon oppa then left. I helped the others with the bags. Yoongi oppa seemed tired so I asked him what he wanted for dinner and he said he wouldn't have dinner.

Jungkook wasn't there. Where could he go? After all, it was 8 pm. (Time goes SUUUUUUPPPPEEERRR FASTTTT in this FF y'all....LMAO)

I asked Jin oppa about Jungkook....

"Oppa....Where is Jungkook?"

"Oh....he will be back in a minute, don't worry!"

I was concerned about him then. Hours had passed by but neither did anyone get a call from Jungkook nor did he come home. I was so worried about him.

Everyone seemed to be hungry and asked me and Jin oppa to serve food as soon as possible. We both served food for them. HOW COULD THEY EAT WITHOUT A MEMBER RETURNING HOME?!?!!? I WOULD NEVER DO THAT!!!!!

All went to their rooms without any worries about their Youngest member being out of home in the late night. I didn't eat that night, hoping for him to come back home. Jin oppa waited for me and Jungkook but....not for long.

"Ummm....Y/N-ssi, are you going to wait for Jungkook-ssi?"

"Huh? Yes...He is not home yet and he isn't picking up his phone too. What should we do oppa? Should we both go and look out for him?"

"Uhhh.....you want to look for him? Actually I am starving right now so can we go after I have my dinner?"

Jin p.o.v

"Uhhh.....you want to look for him? Actually I am starving right now so can we go after I have my dinner?"

I was hella starving. I asked the members to eat at the mall but all said no...as they wanted to eat with Y/N and Jimin. But in another way, we cannot leave them alone..WON'T THEY FEEL BAD ABOUT US?! HOW CAN I NOT THINK ABOUT Y/N!! SHE IS LIKE MY YOUNGER SISTER!!

"Oh..Okay. Why don't I go and look for him, oppa?

I would never on earth leave her alone on the streets of Seoul. No, I would never take such risk. None of us were supposed to leave a girl alone. I denied her statement.

"No! No way Y/N!! How can you even Imagine going out alone?! Don't worry, he will come back."

To be honest, Jungkook actually told all of us that he wouldn't come home today as he will be going to one of the 24/7 stores to buy Y/N a gift . I had no idea why he would give her a gift all of a sudden. But a thought was stuck in my mind, DID OUR MAKNAE FALL FOR SOMEONE? AND THAT SOMEONE COULD BE Y/N??!?


Y/N p.o.v

We both waited for a long time until....

"Y/N...wait...I forgot to tell you something!"

"What is it oppa?!"

"Look....we need to go to Jeju Island tomorrow for a photo shoot. Is it fine for you to be at home with Jungkook and Jimin?"

I was fine until oppa said "Is it fine for you to be at home with Jungkook and Jimin?". WWWWWWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????


I left a heavy sigh as I heard those words.

"Yeah...Yes! But why aren't they going?"

"Actually Jungkook has school and he and Jimin specially had their photo shoots before you joined. Jungkook had it for a reason but Jimin joined him because Jungkook felt lonely out in Jeju Island all by himself."

"Oh okay....but Jungkook did't come home!"

"He will. Trust me. I don't joke during serious situations Y/N. And tomorrow we will leave at 7:30 and you don't need to wake up. Jimin said he will lock the door for us."

"Oh...but what about your breakfast?"

"We will have it on the way to the flight in Airport."

"Oh okay."

"Now go to sleep Y/N. Do you have school tomorrow?"

"No we don't. Some people will be visiting our school so we have a holiday for two days. Anyways....Good Night Oppa!!"

"Good Night Y/N!"

We then went to our rooms and slept. I washed up and went to bed directly. I thought of calling Jungkook once but I remembered what Jin oppa had said...."Trust me."


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