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"Oh....cool!" *rubs back of his neck awkwardly*

It was 12 in the morning already and we were laughing at Jin oppa's DAD JOKES...except for Suga oppa. He was chill and was surfing through NAVER in his phone. I left small yawns when Taehyung oppa looked at me and smiled....

"Are you sleepy?"

I had watery eyes due to those yawns so I rubbed my eyes and they turned a bit red.

"Yeah....kinda. Are you all not gonna sleep or something? We do have practice tomorrow right?"

"Yes and I also think we should go to bed. I am going! Jalja! (Goodnight)"

Namjoon oppa left the room and later the room got empty as I stood up and was about to head to my bedroom.


Taehyung oppa? I turned to him before turning my door knob.

"Good night."

Was what he said and went in. He did smile a little but you could purely see sadness in his smile. That fake smile, was depressing.

I changed my clothes and slept peacefully until the sun rose up.


My alarm didn't ring that morning and I didn't know why but I did get up early. Maybe it was because I had practice that day. I was fresh and ready to leave when I heard Jin oppa's voice from the hall.....

"Y/N are you done?"

"Yes coming!"

I rushed through the doors and closed them behind me.

*in the car*

"Anyone hungry?"

Namjoon oppa asked us. We stopped at TIM HORTONS and bought breakfast. We then drove to our destination, BIGHIT.

Even though we had two practice rooms, choreographer-nim wanted me to share the room with the BTS boys. 3 songs each at a time. I also had to work on some moves by myself and not always ask choreographer-nim for them. But oppa's were allowed to help me tho.

*skip practice*

"That's it for today. We will be working on vocals tomorrow okay? Be here by 10. That's a wrap guys!"

We were dismissed and were hugging the floor. Hoseok oppa was constantly drinking water even after I warned him not to cause he would have to rush to the washroom anytime soon. Taehyung oppa and Yoongi oppa were watching some 'LEARN ENGLISH' video while Namjoon oppa was translating the word meanings to them. Jimin oppa was busy taking selfies and Jungkook was spotted nowhere. Jin oppa walked upto me....

"Y/N...wanna go out with me?"

"Sure oppa!"

We informed choreographer-nim and the others and left the place. We walked to a nearby cafe and ordered coffee for the other oppas and the staffs. Jin oppa had told me that he was gonna treat the staffs cause in their previous RUN! BTS episode, Jin oppa had got a penalty in which he had to buy coffee for all the staffs working at BIGHIT.

I let out a small giggle while waiting for our order and Jin oppa getting embarrassed and was regretting everything that he told me.

We talked a lot on the way back to the building. That was my first time ever spending enough time with him ever since I had joined BIGHIT. I didn't regret even a bit going out with him.



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