Chapter 3

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A few weeks later, Luna walked back to her house from school and, as had become routine for her, she stopped by the litter of kittens to give them some milk and some materials for a better shelter.

The tabby mother, who Luna had began calling Ashla, was there giving the kittens milk. It had taken a while to gain her trust, but Luna's ability to tune into the emotions of animals had helped her gain Ashla's trust mush faster than what would have probably happened otherwise. Instead of Ashla moving the kittens to a different location because of Luna, she would let Luna come close and even pet her.

"Hey Ashla, how's everyone?" Luna asked sitting down. Ashla just closed her eyes relaxing.

Luna examined the shelter as some of the kittens began to climb on her lap.

"Well, I've got good news, I think I finally found a decent piece of cloth for you guys to use as a bed. I'll bring it tonight, Chelcy is sneaking out of the house with everyone else to go to a party while Jessica and John are going out to dinner. I'll sneak back here as soon as I can. I'll bring some cream or something okay? I know you're not a fan of school lunch food. Neither am I, but it's the only thing they feed us."

Ashla lazily opened a hazel eye as three of the kittens began to try and climb up Luna's sweatshirt. Two were boys, one white, the other a tabby, and then a little white girl. Luna had named them Luke, Han, and Leia do to their repeat tries to cling to her, it reminded her of the heros from the original trilogy of Star Wars, always sticking together. The three of them did it all the time.

"Well, I'll be back," Luna said as she began taking the kittens off of her. "Come on, you guys don't want to come with me." The black one with a streak of white on his chest, who Luna had named Anakin, meowed a protest as she attempted to get him off her back.

She smiled before standing and leaving. The kittens followed a few feet, they knew that they weren't allowed to follow more than a yard away by both Luna and their mother, before turning around and going back.


Luna patiently waited as everyone who had made plans began to execute them. She laid in bed reading as first Jessica and John left for dinner and then everyone else went out to go to a party. Chelcy had made plans for friends to pick her, Terra, and Lucy up while Mark made plans for him, Henry, Christopher, and Jacin to sneak out and go to a different party.

"You sure you don't want to come? I'm sure we could fit you in the trunk," Terra said smirking.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Luna replied.

"You tell, I'll kill you," Chelcy told her for the bazilionth time.

Luna knew why, she could tell on them or blackmail them by not going and then get them into big trouble.

"Yeah, I've already got plans," Luna said.

"Oh, right, quality time with your precious books. Have fun."

"You girls have fun. Don't drink any mystery juice."

"What ever."

She heard the car door close and then leave. Then the boys passed by the bedroom door on their way out.

Ten minutes later, Luna put her book away and she got ready. She grabed the old warn out cloths she had been saving from the trash for the past few weeks and stuffed them into a bag before putting on a couple of her sweatshirts. She smiled as she noticed that on the back of the one on top in had a "Judge me by my size, do you?" quote from Yoda.

She then remembered her promise and heated up some milk that she then put in a thermostat and grabbed her beat up flashlight before leaving.

On her way, she just got the feeling that she should hurry. Not really wanting to be out in the cold any longer than was necessary, she complied.

She slowed down as she reached the alley though, not wanting to scare Ashla, but she froze a few yards from the alley as she felt a sudden and very large change. A light seemed to come from the alley and disappear just as quickly.

Then it happened again.

At that moment, she wanted to turn around and run, but she felt like she shouldn't. She tried to calm down as she opened herself to the energy waves, which she was pretty sure was what she sensed change. She almost stumbled as she felt some energy run over her followed by another distinctly different energy which ran over her twice.

"What on Earth?" Luna muttered to herself as she cautiously began to inch to the entrance to the alley.

"...all dead," she barely caught someone say. That didn't sound good.

"Hey, you okay?" Luna asked entering the alley, turning on her excuse of a flashlight. It didn't illuminate the area that well.

"Um, we were wondering where we were," a familiar male voice said as Luna came closer. She paused at a point, sensing that they didn't want her any closer. She still couldn't make out faces. Strangely, she felt like she knew the voice from somewhere.

"You're at," she paused as she began to say the town they were in, but something told her to say, "Earth."

"I don't recognize that name," a woman's voice said. Luna studied them, trying to figure out where she knew them from. Then what the women said processed in her mind.

"What do you mean? What other planet would you be on?"

"Coruscant," another man's voice said. This time she recognized the voice. She also recognized the name of the planet.

"Do you have a light?" Luna asked, her voice shaking as she tried to tap into the energy waves more, sensing these people.

"Why?" the first voice, that now that she knew who to compare it to sounded exactly like Obi-Wan Kenobi, said.

"Just turn it on. I want to see who I'm talking to."

A few seconds later, a blue blade sprang to life, lighting up the area much better than Luna's weak flashlight. She stared at the blade in awe before her eyes move to the holder and his two companions, however, she only managed to see one of them, her brain not being able to process anything past his face.

"You're Anakin Skywalker," Luna managed to say before passing out.

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