Chapter 76

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Anakin felt the warning through the Force and heard Luna's scream. He had barely listened to the few words that were exchanged between Luna and Vader as he focused on figuring out how to save her. The girl was obviously tiring and running out of luck.

"I could join in," Luke suggested in a low voice, not really liking the idea, but not able to stand by as Luna got hurt.

"Hell, no," Anakin replied immediately. "If anyone is doing that, it's me."


"Can't be seen, I know."

Anakin looked around the corner again to find Luna on the ground. Time seemed to slow down as Vader began to swing his saber.

Anakin somehow managed to act in the milliseconds that it took for the swing to be completed. He called on the Force and pulled Luna to them before grabbing her and pulling her and Luke along as he began to sprint down the hall.

He didn't slow down until they had gotten what Anakin deemed a good amount of distance between themselves and Vader before they ducked into a room. Luna collapsed to the ground, eyes closed

Luke was the first to speak.

"How did....we fast?" he asked through his hard breathing.

Luna peeled open her eyes at the sound of Luke's voice, and only then did she come to understand what must have transpired as she stared at the two men standing over her.

"I used....the enhance our speed," Anakin explained, tired from the effort. "Luna....are you....alright?"

"Living...." Luna replied, barely audible. "Thought I told talk him out of...."

"Tried....didn't work," Luke responded.

"I see...."

"Luna, what the hell were you thinking? You nearly got yourself killed!" Anakin yelled.

"How long until the Falcon leaves? We don't get on it, there's a chance we won't get off this ship," Luna said, sitting up and dodging the question.

"She's got a point," Luke said. "I don't know how much longer Han's going to stick around if he hasn't left yet."

"Right," Anakin said. "Luna, can you—"

"If I can run with a metal ball in my leg, I can most certainly run with a shoulder injury," Luna replied as she stood before holding out the lightsaber she had to Luke. "Luke, I'm guessing you want this."

"Yeah," Luke muttered, taking lightsaber from her, eyeing it for a moment.

"Come on," Anakin muttered as they began moving at a brisk pace, heading straight towards the Falcon.

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