Chapter 146

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When Anakin got to the Senate Building, he was trying to see how easily he could monitor Luna despite the distance. While she assured him she was fine in the Archives and he had Jocasta's word that she'd watch the girl, Anakin still had his doubts.

Which was why he wanted this meeting with the Chancellor to be over with as quickly as possible, and therefore prompted Anakin to wait at Palpatine's private landingpad for him to arrive.

The air was cold and the wind whipped around him, tugging at his cloak even as the Chancellor's shuttle landed. He didn't notice any of these things, his mind on where Obi-Wan was headed, weather or not Luna was actually safe at the Temple, and trying to get rid of the doubt eating him up inside. Anakin was brought back to reality when the hatch opened, letting four of Palpatine's guards glide out, their robes catching the breeze in silken blood-colored ripples. They split to flank the door in pairs just as Palpatine and Mas Amedda emerged, appearing deep in conversation. Anakin moved forward to meet them.

"Chancellor," Anakin said, bowing a greeting. "Lord Speaker."

"Greeting, Your Grace," Mas Amedda said, his lips curling into what would have been a signal of disgust on a human, but was actually a smile for a chagrian. "I trust the day finds you well?"

"Very well, Lord Speaker, thank you for asking. I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

"Oh no, Anakin. We were just discussing a new bill that may be appearing soon," Palpatine said with a smile before looking at his companion pointedly, "which we can continue at a later time."

"Of course," Mas Amedda said, giving Palpatine a bow before leaving. Palpatine signaled the guards to leave as he and Anakin began to walk away from the transport and into the building.

"I heard the was some sort of attempt on one of Senator Amidala's guests last night," Palpatine said after a moment. Anakin looked at him for a moment in surprise, knowing that Padmé and Captain Typho were both going to try to keep the previous night's events as far away from the public's eyes as possible.

Anakin supposed he shouldn't have been too surprised that the Chancellor knew considering he and Padmé worked together for so long. There was also little that happened anywhere in Coruscant that Palpatine had no knowledge of.

"Yes, but everyone is fine, and the assassin, Aurra Sing, has been captured," Anakin informed him.

"I see. Who was she after?" Palpatine questioned.

Anakin hesitated for a moment, thinking, before deciding to be honest: "Luna."

"Why in the galaxy would someone want her dead?"

"You're guess is as good as mine, Chancellor. She has an uncanny knack to predict things, and it's possible someone saw her as a threat due to that."

"I see.... Do you know who ordered it? Anyone who would wish death on someone so young...." Palpatine dropped off, shaking his head in disbelief.

"I have a hunch," Anakin said, causing Palpatine to watch him with interest, "but as there is no proof, I wouldn't jump to conclusions." Anakin hated lying to his friend, or using half-truths as Luna would probably say, but he wasn't about to let Sidious know that he was on to the Sith.

"I see.... Does Luna have any idea?"

"I believe so, but she hasn't been too open about it."

"I see." Anakin nearly missed the half second glimmer of satisfaction on Palpatine's face. It was there and gone so quickly that he figured he had imagined it. "And I assume Master Kenobi has gone after Grievous?"

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