Chapter 9

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Luna peeled her eyes open at the sound of the alarm. She was positive that she had literally just decided to finally turn in for the night. Considering her awkward arm positioning that didn't feel the best hadn't changed since she had shut her eyes, she figured that she was accurate in her belief.

Which meant she was about to attempt to pull off being awake for practically Forty-eight hours straight.

Oh, joy, she couldn't help but think to herself sarcastically.

Luna groaned as the other three began their routines, but she got up. She forced herself to try and pick up her slow, almost dazed, pace, knowing that she needed to get breakfast for her three friends before she left the house.

Considering how tired she currently was, she wouldn't be surprised if she imagined seeing them. Assuming that they were real in the first place.

Which, as much as her logical thought detested the idea to the point she didn't think about it, she had begun to believe that they were actually real.

Luna eventually made it to the kitchen where she managed to grab what she hoped would be enough food for the three of them. Considering she hadn't had a decent breakfast for the past few years, she couldn't be sure.

She was already out the door when she realized three things simultaneously as the cold wind blew into her face effectively making her one hundred percent alert. She had forgotten her own breakfast, her gloves, and any type of hair accessory to hold back her hair.

Oh well, you don't have time to go back, she thought to herself before she started running to school. It was the truth, she was already too late to even hope to get to A period without a tardy.

However, she didn't forget to stop by the cat's alley to put the paper bag full of food and some cash down and say a quick hi to Ashla and the kittens before racing the rest of the way to school.

She did not notice Anakin in the shadows watching her.

Or the three people slowly following her on the other side of the road.

A Long Time Ago, In a Galaxy Far AwayWhere stories live. Discover now