Episode II

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"We are all searching for someone whose demons play with ours"


"Kim Taehyung," Jungkook repeated

"He seems shady to me." Hoseok was almost down with his second beer.

Hours passed and the two of them spend it like another weekend not realizing that it wasn't.

"Don't you have school tomorrow Jk."

"I guess I do. I better get going then. Before I get any drunker."

Jungkook picked up his bag from the ground and waved goodnight to the older. On his way out he turned on his phone. The bright light hurt his eyes. He looked at the time.

2:18 am

Shit thats late.

While he was walking Jungkook bumped into something and fell tot he ground.


He tried to get up but he could

What is up

Jungkook felt paralyzed and couldn't think of anything. His heart started to pound and faced an adrenaline rush like an animal being hunted. His mind went black. He looked up to see the object he bumped into. A man, wearing a black hoody covering his head. The dim light lighted half of his face. His face looked blank and his skin looked abnormally smooth and his eyes, they weren't normal, Jungkook couldn't explain what it looked like just that it was abnormal. He felt a strong urge to touch him. He tried to get up again.

"Hey, you must be the new guy here, Mr. Kim is it. Look I had a few cans today and I'm a bit tipsy could like help me get up..." Before he could finish the mysterious Mr. Kim was out of his sight.

"Wow, rude much."

But once the man left, Jungkook was able to get up. All of this was too strange to him, but he decided to forget about it. Now all he could think about was to get to his bed and cover himself with his blanket. And what exactly was he?

Morning came and so did a bad headache for Jungkook. It was 7 in the morning and he couldn't sleep more and he blamed it on his headache. He got up and popped some painkillers, praying that his headache would go away before his classes started which was around 10. Jungkook had plenty of time before that so he decided to take it slow. He tried to stay away from any digital devices including television so he decided to read some comics. But all he could think about was the incident that happened the night before. That guy he bumped into. Jungkook had so many questions. First of all, what was he doing so late at night? But he wasn't in the state to judge him cause he himself was out at that time. But why did he feel that way when the man was around, why did he feel so dumbstruck and why did he want to touch his face. But mainly why wouldn't he help him.

So many damn questions. Snap out of it Jungkook

He decided to distract himself by making breakfast. He quickly put together a nice sandwich and made some coffee to go along with it. Moments after, his phone started ringing. It was Jimin, Jungkook's classmate in almost all of his classes.

"Hey, manknae, What's up. Before I forget we don't have the 5 o'clock math today."


"We have something like a curfew going on. There was another killing last night at 1:30 I guess."

"1:30? All this is super scary man."

"Yeah. Jungkook, be safe okay. I'm hanging up."

"Bye hyung."

Whats going on in this city? I don't even want to think about it.

Before long it was 10 and Jungkook was up ready for his first class, Cyber Security. It was a class he always looked forward to. Jungkook dream is to become the greatest ethical hacker, and he wasn't far from it. He was the best in his class and loved what he did. He met Jimin waiting for him out the lecture hall.

"Ready to program."

Both of them walked into the class. The class went on as usual. Jungkook eagerly listens to the professor and took notes while Jimin sat next to him playing Minecraft on his laptop.

"Hyung why don't you ever listen in class."

"Cause I have your notes. It's like my holy grail"

"Okay, whatever. Let's go get food. Pizza or Pasta?" Jungkook asked the elder.

"Pizza it is."

"Let's go."

Both of them walked their way to the cafeteria. When they entered Jungkook had a weird feeling. A familiar weird feeling.

What is this?

His stomach felt like it was in knots and his knees felt week

Just like last night. When that man was around.

Jungkook frenetically looked around tried to see the cause of this feeling. He could hear Jimin's voice but didn't focus on it. He kept looking around. And finally, he found him. Kim Taehyung, sitting along pretty close by, staring at Jungkook. His eyes were pitch black and had a weird unnatural vibe to it. The man didn't break eye contact with the younger, his eyes piercing into his soul. Jungkook heart clenched harden every second the eye contact continued but no matter what he tried, he couldn't look away.

What the hell is this guy? Whats happening to me and why only me.



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