Episode VIII

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"Light is easy to love. Show me your darkness."


Why would he do that?

He could hear the sounds of them exchanging wet saliva

Why with a stranger?

Why when he knows I could hear him?

Little tears threatened to fall off from the covers of his eyes. Jungkook was as confused as anyone in this situation. Until now he didn't know his true feeling for the elder. And moreover, he was worried about whether the feeling will be returned in the right way.

While Jungkook was deep in his thoughts, he heard Ryan scream through the audio feed and the sound of flesh being torn out. By impulse, he threw his headphones over the table and rushed through the bathroom. The burritos that he had for dinner rushed out in liquid form. while Jungkook was losing his dinner, Taehyung was digging into his, literally.

After he was done for the night, Taehyung checked one last time to see if he had left behind any evidence at the scene where Ryan's lifeless body rested, just as jungkook instructed before.

"Jungkook, I'm done." He spoke through the audio feed after getting into the car.

"BOY, reply." No answer. Immediately Taehyung knew what had gone on in Jks little brain.

Was it the kiss or the kill? He thought as he started the engine and drove to his apartment.


"I'm coming," Jungkook screamed at the door from where inpatient knocks filled up the room. "God can you be a little patient."

Jungkook unlocked the door midway just enough to see the person on the other side.

Kim Taehyung.

For a moment, he didn't know how to react. Was he suppose to be pissed about his actions or ignore everything and be normal. But for the time being, he was just mesmerized by the beautiful man standing before him. Taehyung's loose white t-shirt hung loosely over his shoulders relieving his sculpted collarbones. Jungkook's eyes ran up and down his body with even realizing his actions.

"Enough of checking me out. Can I come in?" Taehyung broke the awkward silence that filled the air. Jungkook moved aside giving way for the elder to pass into his apartment.

"I know you don't drink coffee but I really need one right now. Its 4 in the morning and I'm dead tired." Jungkook ran into his kitchen without looking at the elder. Even after Jungkook came back with his cup of hot instant coffee, the awkward silence act continued. Taehyung could almost hear the crickets from outside.

"So was it the kiss or the kill?"

"What?" Jungkook almost spits out the coffee from his mouth.

Taehyung asked him the question again.

"What do you even mean by that?"

"Your acting quite weird."

"No. No, I'm not. I'm perfectly fine. Look I'm even smiling. and being normal." He pointed at his face flashing his bunny smile.

Taehyung laughed at how cute and fluttered look on the younger's face.

"Why are you laughing. Nothing is funny. I'm not funny. Wait, is there something on my face? Wait let me go look in the mirror." Jungkook placed his coffee down and got up to get to his bedroom. Taehyung got a hold of Jungkook's hand before he could get too far and pulled him. Jk feel on to Taehyung's lap and the elder's hands snaked around the younger's waists holding him in place. Jungkook tried to wiggle out of the elder's lap.

"Hyung, what are you doing? Let go." Jungkook face got redder and redder by the second. Taehyung's grip around the blushed boy tightened with every passing second. Taehyung's eyes wondered to the younger's lips and without second thoughts he connected their lips. Jungkook's eyes grew wider in surprise. Jungkook placed his hands on the older's chest and pushed him away.

"What do you think you're doing?"

Taehyung was a little hurt by Jungkook's but decided to explain everything in detail.

"Listen, you remember the thing you felt when we first bumped into each other. That night I felt the same thing. I'm stronger than you so I was able to control it better than you."

With Jungkook still sitting on the elder's lap, the atmosphere around them heated up. Taehyung didn't loosen his grip on the boy even by a bit. Rather his grip was still tightening as if he was holding Jungkook's pieces to together.

"I get what you're saying. But what's this got to do with... you know... this." His eyes stayed glued to the floor.

Taehyung ducked down in an attempt to meet with the Youngers eyes. "What do you mean this?" A smirk grew on Taehyung's face.

"You know.. this .. you know... that.. this thing." Jungkook mumbled.

"You mean the kiss." Jungkook nodded.

Taehyung placed his hand on the youngers' chin and lifted it to his eye level. This was the first time their eyes met after the kiss that happened earlier. Jungkook felt butterflies in his stomach. "It means I like you. It means I want to protect you. It also means I don't want you to get mad or disgusted at me."

Taehyung's words echoed in the younger's head.

He likes me?

I like him too.

Do I?

I want to kiss him back but...

Tears spilled out of his eyes without a warning. Jungkook covered his face with hands, sobbing into them.

I can't.


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