Episode VII

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"Only if love was perfect as love itself."


Since the day Jungkook made the deal with Taehyung, he has been working really hard to get information. He spends his mornings in classes and nights in from of his computer on top of that he had to keep up with his studies too. But he really wanted this make this partnership work. And finally it was Friday and he was getting out of his final class.

"Manknae, Wanna meet with the guys today?" Jimin didn't know what Jungkook planned for tonight.

"Hyung, I cant. I gotta meet up with someone."

"Okay, have fun with your new neighbor."

 Jungkook didn't deny it because it was partially correct. He was going to meet Taehyung but wasn't sure what was going to happen. When Jungkook reached home, Taehyung was waiting for him outside his apartment.

"Finally your here. I haven't gone to college the whole week cause my stomach is killing me. I don't want to go all ripper."

Jungkook opened the door and led Taehyung in.

"Okay settle down. I'll make some coffee and explain everything."

"I don't drink coffee."

"Fine. Give me five minutes."


Jungkook took a sip from his instant coffee and opened up his laptop. He punched in a few keys and turned the laptop to Taehyung. On the screen was a picture of a man who was around the age of mid-30s to 40s.

"This is Ryan Miller." Jungkook started explaining. "37-year-old lawyer works at a private law firm. Born and raised in Winder City."

"He looks like a normal guy to me."

"Let me explain. He has a major alcohol problem. He has been reported for domestic abuse on his wife and kids. One day he hit a pregnant woman when he was driving under the influence but got away with it by hiring a very very expensive attorney. I'm talking millions of dollars, which he got by selling one of the wife's property that was passed on to her family. And after he slated through the gaps in the laws, he went back to his abusive nature. His daughter was admitted to the hospital a few days back. According to wife, the daughter tumbled down on the staircase but in the daughters POV her dad pushed her and her mom is protecting him. And on top of that Miller is refusing to pay her medical bills. All of this is according to the police report the daughter filed."

"Wow, you got all that in two days."

"I told you I'm good. Oh, and I got something else for you."

Jungkook left the room and came back with a plastic bag in his hand. Out of it, he pulled out a tiny device.

"Whats that?" A confused Tae questioned.

"It's a tiny earpiece and this one is a tiny camera, it goes on a button. I'll keep track of you ."

"Aren't those expensive?"

"Just a couple hundred bucks. But I get student discount so its cool."

Taehyung kept his gaze on Jungkook, piercing into him and wondering why this boy wanted to help him. Taehyung never considered himself a sociable person and always thought his secret would scare or disgust people away, but this boy was different

"Hyung I want to ask you something. The first few days when I saw you I had this weird feeling. Why do you think?"

"I don't know."

"Okay. And one more thing, how are you going to game of thrones him to a place alone?" Jk questioned the elder and this happened to be the only thing he hadn't figured out beforehand.

"I do this thing where I intimidate people into following my orders. I was always able to do it since I was young. Leave that part to me."


"Hyung can you hear me?"


"The visual feed is also good."

"Asshole this thing is hurting my ears." Taehyung tried to adjust the tiny earpiece that stuck in his ears. Both of them were sitting in a different room in Jk's apartment. They were in the final stage of preparing everything for the night. As this was the first time mistakes were bound to happen, but Jungkook tried everything in his power to narrow that gap.

"Okay, never mind that. Listen to me, we need to take some forensic measures to avoid it to be traced back."

Jungkook went on and on about precautions to take and through all that Taehyung could only see how cute the boy looks when he's focused on something.

"Did get all that?" Jungkook finished up.

Kind of

"Yes, all of it. By the way, how do you know all that?"

"I took a Criminology class in my freshman year." A proud Jungkook replied.

"Btw. What year are you? I'm a senior if you were wondering."

"I knew that though. I'm a junior. Let's get back to what's important."


At exactly 2 am, Taehyung left for the hunt and jungkook sat in front of his computer, watching over his hyung. In about 45 minutes, Taehyung was sitting in his car, outside a bar that Jungkook told Ryan would be at.

"Jungkook, can you hear me?"

"Yes hyung. Go inside. I'll tell you where he is and the cameras in the bar don't work so don't worry."

Taehyung got out of his car and walked casually to the bar.

"Hyung the guy to your left wearing the red shirt. Do you see him?"


Taehyung approached the man in red and made casual conversations with him/ After about 5 minutes, he got up and left the bar, back into his car and drove off.

"Hyung what the hell are you doing. Are you not hungry." A confused Jungkook spoke over the microphone.

"jungkook, I know you told me about all you learned for the criminology class but listen, boy, I was born a predator and I know what I'm doing. Just watch"

Jungkook decided not to question him and he was right after all. Taehyung has been doing this for a long time and hasn't been caught. He watched as Taehyung drove into a dark alley and surprisingly after 10 minutes exactly Ryan enter the same alley without a car.

He is actually following my forensic countermeasure techniques.

But to Jungkook's utter shock Taehyung pushed Ryan to the wall and started making out with him.

Jungkook involuntarily looked away from the monitor. Though he knew what the elder was going to end up doing, the thought of him doing it with another person made his heart clench in pain.

Why would he do that?



Hey lovelies,

Hope you had a great day and enjoy every tiny thing life has to offer.

Amy out...

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