Episode V

129 18 0


"Tell me every terrible thing you did, and let me love you anyways."


"I'm not human." Taehyung couldn't believe what came out of his mouth. He didn't know why he was trying hard to explain his situation to this random boy. Somehow, he didn't want to scare him away. But thats exactly what he was doing. Fear and confusion spread across Jungkook's face. His mind again was blank. He wanted to get out of this place.

"I'm leaving." He stood up and headed for the door.

"Listen, boy, you cant tell anyone." When Jungkook turned around to look at the elders face, for the first time, it showed an emotion, he was scared. But Jungkook decided to keep walking. As he left he shut the door behind him. As the door shut, Taehyung's heart clenched in his chest.

I scared him away.

He couldn't understand why he cared, but most importantly he needed to keep his identity a secret. For that, he needs Jungkook to shut up. Taehyung picked up his phone and dialed down a number that went straight to voicemail.

"Hello, it's me again. Things have been really rough and I think my hunger is getting the best of me. And I have put myself into a lot of trouble. I met someone, I thought we could be close but I scared him off just like I did to you, Mom." And Taehyung wasn't wrong about the part about scaring off Jungkook. The younger who rushed out a few minutes ago, now stood behind his door, with his back against it. He tried to contemplate everything that happened over the past few hours.

"Not human? What did he mean by that."

Jungkook head was pounding and it was way too late. He really needed to get to bed. But will he be able to sleep?


6:29am and still his eyes refused to close. Every time he did all he could see was the view of the alley and Taehyung eating. He hasn't recovered from the near-death experience he faced yesterday. It was way too early for him to try to get some get some sleep. He quickly sent out emails to his professors. He called Jimin to tell him not to wait for him.

"Hey hyung, Don't wait for me today I'm not coming."

"What happened?"

"I just had a rough night."

"Okay. Just rest up. Ill come by with some chicken soup and notes later on today okay"

"Thanks. Okay, I'm hanging up."


Hours after contemplating, Jungkook found himself in from of his neighbor's house. He spent hours before this on whether this was a good idea, but he just had so many questions going through his head and it was driving him crazy. He gently knocked on the door.

I don't even know if he's home.

He knocked again harder this time and there was a response. He could hear a person walking towards the door.

"Your back." Taehyung stood by the door shirtless

"Why are you always shirtless when I meet you?"

"I don't like the feel of fabric on my skin. Come in. I'll go grab a t-shirt."

Jungkook helped himself in and sat on the same futon he woke up from the last time. After a few minutes, Taehyung came back from his bedroom wearing a black t-shirt.

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